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Action Id: 3294 Crisis: Participants: Aurora, Yasmine, Reigna, Josephine(RIP) and Lore
Status: Resolved Submitted: April 8, 2019, 11:33 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 200000
Economic Resources: 7000
Social Resources: 3000

Action by Aurora

Aurora has been working with local merchants, notable people in the city, and the Keaton goat herders to create something fashionable to wear within the cooler months. With their help, and her legendary abilities in working with fabrics, she has created a new type of wool; goat fibers mixed with seasilk to fashion an extremely durable, yet super soft fabric with a shimmering shot through quality. Considering the materials, the name Aurora has been calling this is Seatouched Cashmere (Or Seatouched Wool if Cashmere is too modern and specific region).

This new material will be somewhat expensive, as it uses a very specific goat to create, and hopefully with the material incorporating seasilk as an ingredient, it will raise the price of seasilk to where it once was as it is being used beyond for clothing.

Action by Yasmine

Who better than the merchants of House Champagne to take hold of this fabulous new invention of the legendary seamstress and peddle it to esteemed clients of the Peerage and other well-to-do echelons of society? Yasmine, for her part, extols on the virtues of such a lovely and luxurious new fabric. Look how beautiful the seatouched cashmere (or wool) can be when worked into such a comely piece of clothing! How it shimmers in the light, and doesn't itch on the skin. Cold? Not her! It's as warm as it's luxurious!

Action by Reigna

New opportunity you say? A chance to fund a project with her two proteges you say? Keaton Cas... er Seatouched Wool you say?? Count Reigna in! She KNEW those goats were going to be a hit! And now there is a chance to utilize them beyond their current Pets or Food (and leather!) fates! She's all on board for this project and has JUST the place in mind to sell it, when the Acheron market opens. Reigna does love her money and has gotten pretty damn good at learning how to make the most out of the opportunities it presents her with. She'll be working her Economic Mojo and contributing some of her accumulated debts owed into making sure this project gets off the ground and is successful.

Action by Josephine(RIP)

Aurora has approached and Josephine is more than glad to help a fellow crafter and merchanter. It's an interesting concept but been proven to have worked for that Lycene house. Neodynium and Silk, gods it's so noisy, she avoids it where she can. Josephine however is thrilled at the idea of this sea-touched wool. So while Lore strives to work the markets, josephine goes to barter and haggle with the various enclaves that harbor and guard the secret to making seasilk. Ahhh clam lip hair, who doesn't love clam lip hair! She'll even get on a boat. An actual boat. Take note.

With goats, she works to source herds of the little bleating things, champion breeders and for a good price to be given to the keatons so they can begin their breeding program while working with Lore to see to some of the already marketable goat fur to be procured and delivered to aurora for testing and creation. If someone needs to barter or haggle, josephine is there, taking the time to travel and do so.

Action by Lore

A new fabric, you say? With seasilk, you say? Something both decadently delicious to the touch yet warm enough to ward off the interminable chill of these cold northern months, you say??? Lore is eager to get in on the ground floor of such an amazing and needed new invention!! She will happily work her magic with the markets to ensure that Aurora has all the seasilk and goat fibers that she could possibly need to make such a wonderful thing happen! Further, while she gathers materials up in bulk, Lore will start dropping hints of this wonderful new fabric to start generating hype and buzz to help create a demand in the market for its debut.


As winter wanes, a new winter line is suddenly rumored amongst the fashionable set. And the biggest rumors are bubbling up about a potential new material from the legendary tailor Aurora. Made from the hair of a particular goat bred by House Keaton farmers, this new "seatouched wool" is soft like a cloud, gentle on the skin, and flows like fine silk while providing the warmth of good wool. Does it sound too good to be true? Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. Certainly Marquessa Reigna seems to think it's the fashion, as she's talking about it at every opportunity. Others - Mistress Josephine Arcuri, Mistress Yasmine Champagne, and Mistress Lore Artiglio are also talking about it, having either seen it themselves or, as more rumors would have it, been instrumental in the creation of this new luxury fabric. The buzz is real - but will the product live up to the hype, or will this be a single-season fad? Only time - and the fashionistas - will tell.