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Action Id: 236 Crisis: Participants: Tobias
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Tobias

The Crimson Blades have been contracted by Edain, and are now in service to the Iron Guard on his orders. Tobias has been given orders to patrol Traders Home and the Seawatch Gate.

Tobias will be dividing his men into two groups: Iron Company (100 men) are heavy infantry with some archery training, and will have a pair of scouts attached to each squad for recon purposes, and will be patrolling Traders Home with 35 Crimson Blades to help the Iron Guard in the city. Non-lethal clubs and the like are the default, with the Major on site commanded to either learn the basic rules of Iron Guard authority, or keep a consultant with him who can tell him how to deal with complicated situations. This group will be under the command of one of the Iron Company Colonel and be authorized to use lethal force *only* if immediate danger is clear and present for self defense, and otherwise simply keep the peace as Iron Guard auxillaries.

The second group in the city is also part of Iron Company. Heavy infantry and scouts/lightinfantry/archers (20 and 20 split) respectively. This group will be in charge of Seawatch Gate, and monitor activity on top of keeping the peace. This group will be under the command of the same Colonel as the one in charge of Traders Home. The Major on site (As the Colonel for the Company is handling both groups as needed, and also keeping an Iron Guard consultant with him) is commanded to either learn basic Iron Guard authority, or keep an Iron Guard consultant with him to advise him on nuanced situations. Silas is especially interested in potential Rex'Alfar agents, and Tobias will teach his Iron Company Colonel to learn how to spot their individuals/groups using the information he has. He'll filter it down through his people. If anything happens to either Traders Home or Seawatch Gate that is clearly overwhelming? Both groups are authorized to fall back to a defensive position to wait for reinforcements, or to regroup to deal with it.

Secondly, Bronze, Copper, and Emerald Companies are patrolling the outskirts of Arx now. Their Colonels have orders to keep the peace, keep a lookout for any Rex'Alfar agents, and keep watch for signs of invasion forces looking to besiege the city. Smaller groups of known enemies? Feel free to kill them and report back so Tobias can inform Silas of the situation. If a major force comes to besiege Arx, retreat into the city immediately. Currently, these 300 will be divided into two 150 groups, commanded by one Captain each. Each will be responsible for one half of the Arx outskirts, respectively. Breaching juridication is authorized under extreme circumstances (chasing down scouts), and each incident is to be reported ASAP.

Both Captains answer directly to me, by Silas' request. He has enough to deal with and trusts me to delegate.

Thirdly, 50 heavy infantry Crimson Blades under a Major have been contracted to Duke Christoph, with 25 at his Estate at all times, with 25 outside Seawatch gate, supplementing the group already there when not employed as escorts for House Laurent. Their rules are simple: No offensive actions, retrieval of House Laurent property is authorized within the bounds of Iron Guard Law, and no suicidal orders. They are also authorized to retreat into the city if a siege force appaoches.

Fourth, 50 Crimson Blades heavy infantry have been contracted to the Mercier House, under the Company Colonel, as the other half of this Company is in service to Duke Cristoph and Tobias can handle their command more directly. Their rules are simple as well: No offensive actions, and no suicidal orders.

Finally, Tobias himself retains his max bodyguard allotment throughout. When he's doing official business as an Iron Guard auxillery, he goes with a full squad (20 men) of heavy infantry to handle it.


While no attack on Arx appears to be coming yet, is a damned good thing the Crimson Blades was on hand. The mood in the city is far more tense than most of the high lords realize, particularly with the highlords of both Thrax and the Lyceum falling within a short time period of one another, as well as the Dominus, some are thinking it is the end times. At seawatch gate, the extremely well trained and disciplined Crimson Blades manage to defuse a potential riot as less trained Iron Guards get into a scuffle with some panicky individuals wanting to leave/enter the city. Had the Crimson Blades not been on hand, it would have been a bloodbath, and could have turned into full scale rioting.

The outriders patrolling near Arx help assist Gabriel's forces in shoring up the fortifications, relying upon the Blades' expertise. Still, no attack comes... yet.