If you speak a large enough falsehood and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

Description: Nonchalant intensity. It's the best way to describe his deliberate disinterest in the world and people around him, warm-gray eyes, edged in amber like steel caught in sunlight, almost disdainful in his perusal... if he thinks no one is watching. But there's no sneer to his lip, the object of his focus given the full brunt of his attentions whatever it might be. He's quite tall, a deceptively lean body that harbors unknowable strength, angular shoulders broad. His hair is the color of sable too light to be black but too dark to be brown, a sharp widow's peak at his brow, his hair cut short along the sides and left longer at the top. His eyebrows are finely groomed into something vaguely predatory, too refined to be called wolfish but perfectly reminiscent of a bird of prey. His skin has the pallor of a nobleman that enjoys a good hunt or a fight in the sun.
Personality: Zotikos is charming. Often described as the 'gentleman duelist', he's known for his exquisite manners, gentle speaking tones, and skillful swordplay. While he's often considered aloof, his smile has been known to melt the fiercest of characters, the coldest of foes, and the hardest of hearts. Despite this warm exterior, he remains secretive, an enigma with legs and a deadly blade, and his smile, as breath-taking as it is to see, rarely extends to his gaze.
Background: The 'prince' of House Telmar is often seen with an air of mystery. War hero? Successful duelist? Breaker of hearts and bones? Or is he more apt to disarm with words rather than rapiers? Whatever it is, it makes him seem enigmatic, coolly assessing a situation if time warrants, acting immediately and decisively if it doesn't. So it is no wonder that this lord has a history of successful military campaigns, acts of heroism and bravery under his belt going back decades, often acting as a strong right hand of his elder brother, the Duke of the Telmarch. He served with distinction in a score of minor campaigns against the shavs at the borders of the Oathlands, ruthlessly smashing warbands with a relentlessness that does his elder brother Arn proud. During the Tor-Southport War, when House Valardin came to the aid of House Fidante to wrest back control of Tor, Lord Zotikos acquired a reputation for mercilessness in dealing with Southport troops. Rumors of Zotikos ordering the massacres of surrendered Malvici soldiers still persist to this day and do little for the Telmarcher's reputation in the south, but in the north his reputation for loyalty, valor and determination find few peers. As the wars and shav incursions faded, Zotikos found himself spending more and more time at court, joining the Champions guild so he could enjoy the grandeur of matches for enjoyment- and his charming and dangerous reputation finds no shortage of noblewomen wishing to retain his services.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |