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Cigano Laroye

The spirits always speak, I just know how to listen.

Social Rank: 8
Concept: Ravashari Fortune Teller
Fealty: Crownsworn
Family: Laroye
Gender: male
Marital Status: single
Age: 33
Birthday: 9/10
Religion: Shamanism
Vocation: Fortune teller
Height: tall
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: silver
Skintone: darkly tanned

Description: He is about six and three-quarters feet tall and appears to be an adult. He has long raven black hair gathered into a tight glass-beaded plait, long-lashed dark gray eyes, and a bead-strung braided goatee. His skin is tan and his body's build is solid. He has a trio of sigils inked on his face, hailing to some kind of tribal ancestry.

Personality: Cigano is the living embodiment of suave. He speaks with a smooth and deep voice that brings comfort to those who have experienced lost. He has a soft spot for children always ensuring that they are taken care of, though he sees some people as less than people based on some incredibly complicated moral code. He has a keen awareness and an air of mysticism to him.

Background: Growing up in a small camp of vagabonds, Cigano learned from an early age that the world was unfair. His mother passed as he came into the world, already making him resented among his people. They treated him as an ill omen, passing him from family to family in the camp, giving him only the barest essentials so he would survive and they believed made good with his poor mother. It wasn't until he had his coming of age rite performed that the tribe would even speak to him as an equal.

As he began to work for the family, he proved his worth and was given a chance to live and work as the rest of the tribe. He proved adept as spinning stories with cards that brought him fame among the nobles that the tribe often encountered. He soon became popular enough that the tribe leader began to groom him for his replacement. The leader's son, whom should have been the rightful heir, didn't take kindly to the news. He planned to poison Cigano at his first chance. Cigano sensing the man's anger ensure that nothing that came to him was ever out of his sight. Eventually swapping a cup force upon him by the heir apparent with the leaders. Once the poison was revealed, Cigano used his new acquired status to have the heir exiled for his crimes.

The years after Cigano continued to run the camp, doing as much as he can help provide for the family, always watching for the next assassin and the next chance for him to bring more money into the camp.

Name Summary