Lord Rohran Keaton
Oakhaven, my land, my loyalty sealed. Our courage her sword, my armies her shield.

Description: Standing a 'mere' 5 foot 10 inches, his build lean rather than bulky, Lord-General Rohran Keaton seems far bigger than he is, in pure physicality. His presence lends him a feel of towering height, a broader build, a weight resonates from his voice. His eyes defy a singular color description, spokes of blue are laced with green and gold, his brow heavy, his nose patrician. Broad cheekbones rest like blades, defining a face that in rest seems either mildly disapproving or at least deeply contemplative. His lips are thin, but expressive, his jaw broad, chin oft set with a stubbornness one might describe as 'mulish'. He is not without humor, it is simply deeply buried, made all the more precious when it is set free. His laughter is surprisingly infectious, a deep belly laugh that softens him and makes him more approachable.
Personality: Patience. Rohran Keaton is a paragon of patience, though only the brave usually have the audacity to make him wait for something. Rohran is a bit of a mystery, a layered man and one might not always know, outside of the training yard or battlefield, precisely which version of Rohran they are going to get. On the field he is all business, no-nonsense and gruff. War is work and his men know that on the field, Rohran's word is law. After hours, with an ale in hand, the Lord-General can laugh and carouse with the best of them. There are times when a hint of wistfulness can be seen, on the horizon of his mood, the poet peeking out at the edges, the Chivalric Knight with his pen and his prose and the wind billowing over the moors.
Background: It takes a firm hand to turn small, independent groups into a cohesive and effective army. It is not unlike herding cats and convincing them that working together brings down prey faster and with less losses. Rohran Keaton is an excellent cat herder. Perhaps it grew from managing his siblings as a child, with Veronica and her intense drive and barely containable chaos and Jaerith throwing himself into every possible experience regardless of risk. Rohran assumed the role of co-parent as the eldest when their mother Anastasia died, Rohran being all of 11 years old, to Veronica's 7 and Jaerith's 5. Their father Ambrose poured himself into the running of their lands and his duties as General, letting Rohran and the staff handle the younger children.
Rohran often sought his father's approval, something he feels, rightly or wrongly, he has yet to obtain. These feelings are something that are most often expressed in poetry. Cleaving to the Chivalric ideals, Rohran fancies himself a poet of great skill, often composing sonnets and epics, though he's not above a limerick or two when out drinking with his men. For about nine years now the bulk of his time and attention have been focused on his role as General of the Hounds of Oakhaven, a title well earned, bestowed upon him when his father retired. In this role he has done a significant amount to assist the House in the expansion of their lands, helping Keaton tame the wilderness and involved in combatting a number of threats (some stranger than others).
The business of being General left little time for raising his bastard daughter. The eleven year old Elaine's origin is not something he speaks of; the looks he gives those who ask are withering at best. For several years, Rohran and Elaine lived in Arx with Rohran's romantic partner, Natalia Whisper. When Natalia and Rohran split, Elaine remained with Natalia. When Natalia was (re)ennobled as Baroness Elwood, she adopted her, ennobled her, and named her Elwood's heir (all with Keaton's blessing).
Rohran went back to Oakhaven to have himself a bit of a sulk (and take care of a great deal of General business, to be fair), and has now returned to Arx to assist with the current threats.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Caspian | Stoic, but forthright and reliable. The man does not shirk from the uncomfortable, is a rock when you need it. And he does have a sense of humor, you just need to dig for it a bit! |
Ida | Lord General Rohran is what I have come to respect and like about anyone with the Keaton name, and catching up with him again was truly a pleasure. His dedication to his oaths and duty has not changed, which is certainly admirable. There is a warmth and politeness that only furthers my sincere honor to be trusted by the members of the House. Plus he likes coffee, which is always a point in someone's favor. |
Razija | I guess it's true what they say about cats and dogs after all. But I like him. He's tactical sized. Like me. |