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Action Id: 815 Crisis: Participants: Joscelin
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 7, 2017, 10:45 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Joscelin

Joscelin and Eleyna are in talks to build a college in Arx, using the Crafters Hall as a base and expanding outward into wings and rooms for different trades, to bring in more interest into crafting for those that want to get into the skills slowly, or who want something different and want to look for something new to try. Instead of meeting with Crafters when they are around, they can see for themselves hwo things are made and the many styles and ways to make a thing. There are plans for this Crafters COllege to become a more expansive 'College', teaching other trades like apothecary, sciences, maybe eventually artificing and magic, and combat skills. Everything but the crafters skills and trades are public, magic and artificing and all that on the down-low for now. It would probably just make folks nervous. Let us know if you need anything from us or have any questions! -Eleyna AND Joscelin


This should be an expansion to, rather than a replacement of, the Academy of Vellichor which is a place of learning and teaching of everything. So they could make a Crafter's College wing, but any teaching should have at least the general sanction of the scholars (which would be pro forma, they would never refuse people wanting to teach, or thematically shouldn't). Code wise, that means a college build right next to the academy of vellichor or additional rooms inside of it. Either way, but it should definitely be something they've signed off on.