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Action Id: 3062 Crisis: Participants: Sudara
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 13, 2019, 7:59 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Economic Resources: 250
Action Points: 35

Action by Sudara

Sudara makes resources available for the development of every segment of the Trueworn's physical resources. The plan is not to make dramatic breakthroughs in one single area, but to encourage the improvement of every area: there are a lot of workers available, and a lot of people already skilled in what's required in each field of endeavour. And Sudara has a great many books to consult for guidance, a deep knowledge of her people, and might even receive helpful dreams to guide her.


All told, it goes well. Esterhold sees significant growth in its infrastructure, and a decent population uptick causing the barony's relatively modest economy to grow. ((Domain stats improved, and Sudara receives a significant fame/legend boost for her efforts))