Aerandir Elensar
Every feast is a theft from the front, every luxury a betrayal of our soldiers.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Hedge Knight
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 37
Birthday: 6/13
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: average height
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: lodestone grey
Skintone: swarthy
Description: Dull strands of black hair fall from the man's shoulders in ungroomed disarray, framing his lined face and neck in the manner of a lion's mane. An equally unkempt beard sprouts from his jawline in bristles, kept wholly untouched by any razor in recent memory. His hooked beak of a nose draws plain attention to the centre of a weather-beaten visage, set between a pair of lively grey eyes that may be considered his only redeeming facial trait against an otherwise marred canvas. Possessed of middling height and a broad build, his stocky physique lends itself well to his martial trade, leaning on the heavier side; it comes as no surprise that he boasts thick limbs and an expansive chest, stretching the leather restraints of his armour to their very last notches.
Personality: Though Aerandir may strike one as a gruff, jaded man upon first glance, those who work their way into his good graces - whether through time, effort or simply by nature of being likeable - will quickly notice that he is not without manners, nor joviality; jests, lopsided grins and laughter coming easily enough in the right company. His military bearing, however, is distinct and ever present, a habit yet to die by the looks of it: as evidenced by Aerandir's shift in personality in the presence of gentry, a respectful, almost meek demeanour often taking over.
Background: One unaffiliated with seafaring would likely know little regarding the man that goes by the names of Aerandir Elensar. Nonetheless, should one inquire enough in dockside taverns, inns, and any harbours scattered about the continent of Arvum or the Mourning Isles; knowledgeable sailors, venerable innkeepers and the like may claim him to be a marine of Southport origin recognised for serving aboard a naval vessel called the Lusty Mermaid - which under the vassalage of House Grayson frequented many a harbour throughout the decades. Rumour has it, however, that the Lusty Mermaid - during a voyage through the Darkwater Reach - was sank, its crew slaughtered along with the civilian ship's it was escorting. The disgrace and ignominy following such colossal failure as the commanding officer and sole survivor of the vessel ensured his service's end, though his life was spared in recognition of his and his family's lengthy, formerly immaculate history of servitude. What transpired that day is anyone's guess, but what is certain is that the hedge knight now roams the lands as Crownsworn - bereft of the honour he once bore in service to one of the greatest houses of the Realm.
Name | Summary |
Aeryn | The first Knight I have ever met! He's kinda what I imagined actually. At least his eyes. They always talk about, in the tales, about the knights in shining armor (I'm sure it was super shiny once) and the sparkling eyes. His hair reminds me of a lion's! I mean the pictures I've seen of them. I wonder if he'd let me braid his beard... He's so tall. And strong. I bet he could wrestle a bear and win! |
Amarantha | He's managed to befriend both of my sisters--so by that measure, I have to like him. Conversations with him are a joy rather than a terrible bore and truth be told, I think I'd like to get to know him better. |
Apollis | A Southport Knight, I think he said. He was mostly quiet, if I remember right. It's hard to remember stuff when you have a little sister stealing your attention constantly. |
Ashkyr | It's good to do business with my brother, no matter how trivial or brief. He seems to already be acquainted with the smith, so I can only imagine how many people he's familiarized himself with in the City, friendly as he is. |
Astraea | Very much a man I can easily respect. Disciplined, kind, outgoing and possessing the same wanderlust as I. Despite the Oathlands traditions I think the Lyceum produces the finest knights. Refined elegance, easy going, spirited, clever, charming, and deadly combatants. What more can a Liege ask for? The thing which endeared me the most was his sense of humor and ability to laugh when so many people have forgotten how. |
Bastien | Seemed to make a friend of that nosy, arrogant Oathlander. It makes me immensely less appealing. |
Caspian | A fellow warrior who is thoughtful about how he fights. I hope to test my skills against him soon. |
Cirroch | One half of a pair of brother knights. He seems to be a cool headed warrior, but I'm afraid I don't know much more about him then that. Princess Gwenna seems to enjoy him and his brother at least. |
Darrow | A Lycene knight. Sentinel guide him in the Southport against the Marin forces. |
Echo | Sir Aerandir is splendid company. He's incredibly well mannered, thoughtful, and well... Something about him is just so incredibly charming and sweet. He doesn't understand the magic behind the cobalt weapons and neither do I. But I have a feeling we'll be able to handle 'em just fine. |
Gwenna | Sir Aerandir looks nearly to have been born a knight rather than simply have become one. It's in his bearing and mannerisms in all of the best ways one hears and reads about in the tales, which perhaps I did not expect from a knight of the Lycene. Quick to smile and joke, there may be things that perhaps haunt him at the edges, or perhaps I overthink. Overall, I would cheerfully welcome our paths crossing again. |
Ian | I think I've heard his name somewhere. |
Isolde | In a time of gossip and rumor, he was polite. Kind, even. Especially to sweet Calvary, who could not get enough of his attention. A pity the Crown stole him and not House Velenosa. |
Jacque | A nice Lycene knight, Sir Aerandir. Seems to have a sweet spot for Lucita, but I'm not sure. |
Juliana | Polite, probably honorable and exceedingly pleasant. Exactly what one expects. Which isn't always a bad thing. |
Liara | A knightly sort, looking for a good smith. He couldn't have happened upon a worse person to ask than me but he was quite mannerly, all the same. He doesn't seem remotely like the 'average' Lycene; perhaps he's been around a good bit. |
Lucita | a gaunt knight who is well spoken, somber at first but then, as he gets to know a person, shows a sense of humor. He is from Southport. |
Marian | I think the weight of the world sits heavy on this one. He smells of whiskey which might hint he seeks escape from the dark times we live in. I think he hoped that Arx might be different from his last assignment. Sadly, I can not give him that comfort. |
Monique | A military man surrounding himself with the presence of scholars. Smart man. And a gardener. How very much an enigma... |
Morrighan | Sir Aerandir, a knight I met during a dinner in the Redrain Ward - one of which I was late to. I did note his gaze a time or two, and when the hustle and bustle of the event was over, he lingered for a time for a chat. Seems rather interested in Brahm, wouldn't mind speaking with him again. |
Mydas | A Knight-Errant, coming to Arx at a fortuitous hour. Polite and confident, he will no doubt make a name for himself in the coming days and months. This city's good for that. |
Quenia | I met him in the Salon. We had a pleasant conversation, and talked about all manner of things. |
Reese | He seems like he has good potential. I am curious to see how he moves on the battlefield. He comes at a good time for a warrior or maybe it is bad timing, depending on how one looks at it. |
Skye | He looks like a man with the weight of the world on his shoulders. I almost makes me want to give him a hug. If I thought he would allow it. |
Sparte | A new knight to Arx, Valardin origins I'm pretty sure. He seems really, you know. Oathlandery? I mean that isn't bad, just hard to know how much was him and how much was him following etiquette. I'll need to get to know him better. |
Theron | A warrior, a lover of blades and the gritty arts of combat, not to mention a fellow Lycene. I hope to become more closely acquainted with him, seeing as he's a Knight-Errant, and I am prone to wanderlust, myself. There are adventures to be had, out there. And also harvest festivals to attend. |
Thesarin | Another man figting past when we both should've had better sense. Seems kind, and proud. Seems willing to hear that the things from children's stories are moving against us. Sad fact, I don't doubt he'll see it sure, and soon. |
Tomwell | A gardener knight! Delightful concept, frankly. I should get to know him. |
Valery | Valery met him when he was training with Lady Marian. He seems nice and he seemed to take some interest in the mice. |