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Action Id: 3635 Crisis: Participants: Jeffeth and Corban
Status: Resolved Submitted: July 27, 2019, 9:51 p.m. Public: True GM: Tenebry

Military Resources: 1000

Action by Jeffeth

Jeffeth will be making a journey across Arvum. The Pilgrim's Path and beyond. He will be acting according to (clue 3079) gather the prayers of the faithful, endure the rials set upon him and deliver the prayers back to the spellsinger(s) in Arx. Before going off on his journey, Jeffeth will fast for thirteen days. A week will be taken to recover and get on food again and spend times with friends and loved ones before departing.

Jeffeth will be listening intently to the Gods and is intent on performing all tasks and trials alone. Sir Corban has been marked on this task as well and will be joined to it. Jeffeth's squire is to accompany the quest as well. However, Jeffeth gives explicit instructions that if they encounter 'trials' that they perceive to be from the Gods that he must commit to them alone. Unless they receive contrary instruction from the Gods themselves. Otherwise the other two are to witness his quest and return with the prayers should Jeffeth fail and fall.

He will dedicate himself to the task no matter how long it takes. If they hear of heroes of the faith, or potentially very faithful individuals on the road they will go out of their way to speak with them, and record their prayers. They will help any who are in need of it. During their travel Jeffeth will spend many hours in prayer and meditation seeking their next path. They will continue until Jeffeth feels they have completed the quest, which may well be quite a while. Whenever it /feels/ right.

Action by Corban

Sir Corban (quite against his will) has been drafted as Jeffeth's squire for his quest as a Knight of Songs to gather the prayer of the Faithful. It is perhaps a role reversal for them (both historically and in the present day, given Corban's role as First Captain of the King's Own), but it is one that Corban takes up willingly. He will render whatever aid that Jeffeth requires on his quest, but the Knight of Solace is the one in charge here.


The roads stretch out endlessly, even for a Knight of Solace, even for a Knight of Songs, and Jeffeth finds himself relying on Corban's skills with putting together a camp and food as the nights accumulate. The walk itself is a trial. Although the gods do not speak to either of them at any point, the journey is certainly no easier for the lack of formal trials. They run across washed out trails and villages that have just suffered a raid. Being good folk on a journey that demands care and extra effort, they help clear burnt fields and rebuild burnt houses. They patch up ailing roads and help feed ailing children.

And as they integrate themselves with a large scatter of communities, big and small, they gather prayers and songs of devotion. Some are extremely simple, children's traditions passed down for generations. Some are dense with harmonies or imagery and Jeffeth and Corban have to get transcriptions to have any hope of passing them on. They gather prayers for every god, and often for many gods at once, melancholy and celebratory, mourning and hopeful, those with music, and, largely, those without. It is an archival treasure that they piece together, and an archival treasure that they must protect on the road. These long and exhausting roads.

When at length they return to Arx, Jeffeth finds himself confident of what he has brought -- not all of it will be useful for the spellsingers, some of it will surely only be of interest to scholars, but he and Corban have gathered more than a few that thrill them just to read, that fill them with inspiration and energy, that make them want to be more themselves, that make them feel freer. And once they enter the walls and deliver the wealth of words safely to a spellsinger, Jeffeth feels the mark crystallize hard and shatter off his skin. And Corban feels a lightening of his heart, a strangely -- literal lightening.