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Action Id: 4394 Crisis: Participants: Jaenelle, Isolde, Alistair, Quenia, Lucita, Ysabel, Galen, Arman, Theo, Martino, Agostino and Macario
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 8, 2022, 5:23 p.m. Public: True GM: Scraps

Action by Jaenelle

The Lyceum was home to the former Dominus, Orazio, and Velenosa's words of No one may harm us unpunished strikes true for any and all who have called the Lyceum their home. House Velenosa will not attack those who have harmed one of ours with steal of swords but of wit and charm and the brand of diplomacy often embraced within the south than most other fealties, manipulation. A propaganda mission to remind people who Dominus Orazio, and what he accomplished. House Velenosa will remind people that assassinations are poor sportsmanship, especially to get what you want and then not even get that. A celebration of the Faith and the traditions upheld by the Dominus as only the Lyceum can do.

Action by Arman

Arman is persuasive at an individual level and at convincing the masses as a whole. Given how literate the Compact is, Arman will oragnize a leaflet campaign where his agents go about key towns and villages in the isles posting messages denouncing the claims of Waldo and how supporting him is dangerously close to apostasy.

Action by Isolde

Well Isolde's certainly keen to nullify the influence of Waldo in the Isles and prevent the anti-dominus from acquiring new supporters. Isolde uses her vast knowledge of theology to combat many of his talking points, suggesting that the changes being made are good things actually. In addition, she'll list the many things that Orazio had done in his time as Legate and then Dominus. She'll put emphasis on justice and the law - hinting strongly that Waldo's rebellion goes against the tenets of the Sentinel. She'll also remind the people that Aureth is the choice successor and so if any of them respected Orazio, they should stay behind the /real/ Dominus of the Faith.

Action by Theo

There aren't many places where Theo doesn't have a connection and it's by these veins that his word spreads. He will verbally combat Waldo's influence by planting seeds of information that he predicts will spread like wildfire, with a goal to redirect focus to the true Dominus and how Waldo's rebellion is oath breaking at its very core. He will speak on all the accomplishments of Dominus Orazio and on the true traditions of the Faith to the right people he knows will take the information and run with it. While Theo is not one for public grandstanding, he knows exactly where to be at the right time for his word to have the most impact among prominent groups of Islanders and non-Islanders alike.

Action by Alistair

Alistair is a man of Faith and not Faith. He certainly feels bound to Sentinel, but has never been one for the rigidity of civilized faith that came with bending the knee and joining the Compact. Despite that he worked alongside Orazio many times and respected the man greatly. Even if he is a Beast of the Sword, he can try and offer a stern and dour word or two. Show that even a once prodigal like him deeply respected the man and the Inquisition as a whole did as well. Primarily he will keep his efforts down played, as he knows the Faith is not a fan of him, so he will likely seek to protect others who engage in this mission of words, to make sure they are not waylaid, interrupted, or assailed.

Action by Quenia

At one point in Quenia's life when she was working for her brothers, she had a network of people whom she considered friends, allies, and information brokers. She reaches out to that network to start a propaganda campaign to remind everyone what a good and decent Dominus that Orazio was and how he always had a helping hand for the people and reminded them often of the will of the Gods. He was a guidling light among the Compact that many looked up to and favored, until Waldo killed him in cold blood in the Queen's Rest that fateful day, and then proclaimed himself the Dominus of the Compact. This is not the way of the faithful, to kill their successors and then name themselves the keeper of the faith. These are the actions of a baseless, cowardly murderer who could not have made a bid as Dominus of the Faith in good faith, so contrived his own reasons for doing so. She throws her support behind House Velenosa and reminds everyone that Dominus Aureth is the rightfully elected leader of the Faith.

Action by Agostino

Agostino will begin spreading a couple of different messages among his friends and contacts, targeted a bit differently for two different groups. The first message will be targeted toward Isladners, and will speak to how Waldo's split from the Faith goes against Limerance, as he has broken his holy vows of service to the Dominus. That his "election" did not take place according to the traditions of the Faith, and so his subsequent claims of defending tradition are pure hypocrisy with a foundation of oath-breaking.

For those outside of the Isles, the discussions he attempts to start are a bit more pointed. He reminds any non-Islanders who seem to lean toward supporting Waldo that he set down this rebel path solely to defend the "tradition" of thinly-masked slavery in the Mourning Isles.

Action by Macario

Macario connects with the Mourning Isles traditionalists on their shared appreciation of law. This is a two-fold attempt, that on the first he simply wishes to charm them. Law sets precedence, and precedence strengthens bonds. Without rules and law, there be chaos. But further to that point, legal contracts define how the people work together and the nasty business of assassinations and wars could wipe out centuries of legal work (contracts would become unenforceable). Mostly, though, Macario is charming and his instincts would help navigate this path set by Jaenelle.

Action by Martino

To aid House Velenosa's goal to reminding the Lyceum of the good works from Dominus Orazio. The Duke Martino will be making a public address in Southport about the good work from the former-Saik Dominus to remind citizens that one of our own gave their life for the Compact. Additionally a feast in the Dominus' honour organised.

Action by Lucita

Waldo, Waldo, Waldo... that troublemaker! Lucita has come in contact with him before during her efforts to help Ailith in Sungreet. Songs were effective before, songs of hope, of unity, of loyalty, of faith. They swayed people's thoughts, their moods, helped counter Waldo's efforts. Thus she selects from songs of the past and some she wrote herself, sings, and teaches them to others to distribute them joyfully as a propaganda tool. It is especially satisfying to her to participate in this since Orazio was a Saik!

Action by Galen

Prince Galen Thrax is not just a Warlord and does not just aid his blood-given house. With his sister ruling the Lyceum Galen has taken on some tasks to assist them, primarily with military training, naval guidance, and other such matters. However, Galen is also gifted in the arts of charm and propaganda and it is this that he employes on behalf of Velenosa. Over the years he has traveled far and wide and built quite a network of connections. It is this network, his charm, and his talents that he uses to help push the messaging his sister desires. If there is a grand opportunity to do some drinking along the way or to influence people...This he would not pass up nor would he a chance to be generous and honor Gild!

Action by Ysabel

Ysabel goes for a more simplistic and modest route. Tending to the needs of the local villages and people by offering a friendly hand out of fruits from her House's orchards while also making idle chit chat and slipping some propaganda into the ears of her listeners. She tells them of the great deeds and works Dominus Orazio did and how Dominus Aureth is the rightful leader. She asks them what there worries and concerns are, and tries to lift their spirits up. Making friendly with the people is one way to win there hearts and votes, and obviously turn the tide in Aureth's favor.


The Lyceum has had their eyes turned to Arx since the moment that Orazio was named Dominus, and they haven't been able to peel their attention away since. As much as Lycenes enjoy the intrigue (or perhaps because they do), having one of their own being closest to the Gods bore a certain mark of pride. When he was struck down, there was outrage against Waldo and his supporters. That was /their/ Dominus. His popularity was highest amongst the Saiklands, and so they have the strongest degree of anti-Waldo sentiment.

There are a good number of people in the Compact that don't necessarily approve of Aureth's rise to Dominus, some because of his support of a 'new' God and others because of the association with his family prior to joining the Faith. He's a hard sell in those areas of the Compact. Not necessarily in the Lyceum for obvious reasons, but there are holdouts still.

Velenosa's attempts to truly win those holdouts over for Aureth don't go as well as might be hoped for. But they also don't go horribly wrong either. There's a bit of 'pro-Aureth' sentiment brewing on its own already, partially because the Dominus that was assassinated was one of their own. If Waldo is going to go around killing a perfectly good Dominus then they're /almost/ glad he was replaced with someone even less traditionalist! It's not something that they'd announce at the Assembly of Peers, but it's there in the undercurrent.

Traditionalists are still upset across the major domains, a fact that makes it especially difficult to nudge those stances from quips at parties to more public facing announcements. Those that might normally be more emboldened, are working to keep things peaceful in their own holdings and so are sticking to their own personal interests for now.

As for those that are following Waldo in the Lyceum? Their hearts remain unchanged for the moment, but they are quiet. They're smart enough to know that House Velenosa is watching them and that 'no one may harm us unpunished' is not just a fancy catchphrase.