Baron Vitalis Clement
No one dies whose footprints remain for others to follow.

Description: Vitalis is tall and lean, with hair as black as pitch, some who knew his father look twice to be certain he isn't his father. Though what Valerio carried as stern, Vitalis carries as intensity. His smile lights up his face with a boyish charm, driving all chill from his demeanor. Though Vitalis practices an economy of movement, when excited by something he gives into expansive gestures - rather like a one man play. In contrast, he can be still as stone, elusive as smoke. Healed scars cross his face, temple to opposite jaw, the rake of talons or claws, that highlight gray eyes so intent they might strike sparks.
Personality: Vitalis is one of those rare few who finds himself at home in just about any situation. On the road, travelling with strangers from all walks of life, or rubbing elbows with the highest of Peers in a courtly setting, he adapts himself effortlessly. He is friendly and energetic, but not, and this is important, naive. In fact, Vitalis is rather a shrewd judge of character.
Background: When Vitalis was still very young, his mother was murdered. He does not remember much of her, though sometimes he catches whiff of a floral scent that stirs some faint emotion within him that he associates with the maternal. He knows the story of her passing, and he knows how much her loss hurt his father, but Vitalis never felt lonely. Perhaps because of her death, and perhaps because he was also one of the youngest Mazetti, his relatives were quick to fill the void. It was his grandmother Clemenza, in particular, that awoke in a young Vitalis a thirst for knowledge and a love of the mysterious.
From his father, Vitalis realized that adventure was to be lived outside the pages of books. So while he pursued his studies, he never once took umbrage at being sent into the countryside to patrol. Eventually, he began to organize his own expeditions, ranging off to explore this or that local ruin. When still young, Vitalis treated with several local tribes of Abandoned, securing passage rights and even, in one spectacular case, saving a chieftain's son and so found himself named a blood-brother.
In Summer of 1009, his father Valerio Mazetti died defending Lord Arik Halfshav. That death brought Vitalis from his beloved Ostria to Arx. In the intervening years he distinguished himself as a field scholar, teacher, and scout. In the Spring of 1013, he became Vitalis Clement, securing an alliance with the new Oathland house, expected to steer the rough and rustic Clements through uncertain political waters.
His future is in Duskshire, but his heart will always be full Ostria's wonders. Its ancient walls painted with unblinking eyes, its shifting streets, hidden gardens, grand port, gleaming bank, open shrines. The enigmatic architecture of the seaside city lit the spark of his curiosity and love of the mysterious; Ostria is a riddle he will happily never solve. For the rest... every door untried might as well be locked, right?
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Adalyn | A master with the glaive and a skilled instructor, he has a way of capturing one's attention when he speaks. I've a feeling there's more to be learned. |
Adrienne | A young Lycene I met at the Shrine of Lagoma. He sought guidance from Our Lady over perils unspoken. I would think on short acquaintance that the perils would have more to fear from him. |
Aelgar | A good man. Tough, dedicated, competent enough to survive against the odds. Yet personable and approachable, friendly. I feel luck to have met him and luckier still to be in his company again. |
Aella | I value Lord Clement's plethora expertise and advice. He reminds me of my father and I am lucky to have him as a friend and ally. Plus I wouldn't want to get on his bad side, he's too quick for his own good. |
Aethan | Values keeping his allies secure -- an excellent quality to have on any mission. |
Agostino | An excellent teacher, who was able to make the lesson enjoyable. Perhaps I will be able to convince him to show me more at a later date. |
Aiden | Our common goals shall see us adventuring together soon, though his curiosity in birds allows me to be far more open than I should. Still, it is a conversation I cannot avoid having. Although, the man intrigued me almost immediately for his interest in the color of my eyes and a legendary tale he had to share about silver eyes seeing the wind. How unique that is. A story about a boy and a dog. |
Ajax | A good seeming man, decent sense of humor too. |
Akamos | Loud supporter and congratulator on my Knighthood. I need to thank him properly. |
Alarissa | ...He brought a parrot to a wedding... |
Alarissa | Ever devoted, he is someone to be respected and admired. Maybe even a little jealous of for reasons. |
Alecstazi | Mazetti Lord, cousin from mother's side. An excellent instructor and a fabulous conversationalist. Not only did he give me the workout of a lifetime, he showed me the most fantastic baths. |
Alessandro | A very good man to come across and ride with when one has mysteriously lost one's party in the woods. I shall make a note. |
Amari | A Lycene full of surprises beneath the wonderfully smooth veneer of congeniality. I wouldn't have expected the concealed whip, anyway. |
Anisha | Lord Vitalis Clement, nee Mazetti, is a curious and intriguing man. Loss marks him, of course, but I find that it far from defines him. Few people I've met are as careful with their words as I am, but he comes close. He plays his cards tight to his chest, but without being unwelcoming. An admirable trait. |
Antea | He is as I remember him from childhood, though he seems to have grown more into the social aspect than I ever did. I look forward to seeing what else he has accomplished, it sounds like a lot. |
Apollo | A valued customer, with nimble fingers and a nimbler wit. |
Appolonia | An interesting and somewhat playful man. Seems to know a great deal about the language variances of animals - and serves up an interesting example of them! A curious mind is a good thing to have. I'll have to learn about this one more. |
Arcadia | A charming man. So very interesting and great taste in clothing. |
Arman | What has happened to you...? Still, I am pleased to see his intellect and wits are as sharp as ever. |
Asher | This man knows a lot. And he shares it willingly! I did meet him in the Shrine of Vellichor, of course, so that might be it. But even still! |
Athaur | An interesting man for sure. He appears to be knowledgable though about what I hope to learn more. |
Atria | Lord Vitalis was a pleasant snack partner. He brought knowledge, opinions, and no rudeness. Would eat with again. |
Audgrim | So much has happened since Knight's Retreat. We have both changed, but his change came with a heavier price. It is good to see him. |
Beatrice | A dry, welcome, and positively wicked wit. |
Beatrice | In a city of captivating people, I count Lord Vitalis as among their most interesting, charming, and intelligent. It is my honor to know him and count him as a friend. |
Belladonna | Every dangerous man I have ever known wore his skin comfortably. Those are rare, but always so interesting. I would be surprised not to hear of him, or his exploits, again. |
Berenice | Sadly not as entertaining as early meetings promised he might be. Alas. |
Bonnie | Last time I saw someone get hit by that much fist at once they were running a gauntlet. And this guy even walked off on his own power! |
Braith | Its a good thing I don't let first meetings pave the way. We share a lot in common. Now a family as well. |
Calaudrin | Seems like an alright sort of guy. Sharp eyes, takes notes, kind of funny. Doesn't care about getting hit in the arm. Would travel with again. |
Calista | They call him the Ghost of Ostria but really, he is the quintessential Lycene gentleman. Also, an excellent teacher. |
Calla | Met the man when I discovered The Grotto and shared a rather enlightening conversation about how marriages work here in the Compact. |
Cambria | Stoic in the face of loss. I had not wished our reunion to be thus. Yet he sees far. Farther than any of us do, I suspect. |
Carmen | Friendly enough to plop down next to you at a service, not friendly enough to take a drink from you. Eagle-eyed and has a grin that makes your stomach do flips. |
Caspian | you would be hard pressed to find a more stalwart warrior! an honor to fight alongside him, and to know him! |
Cassiopeia | A polite and friendly man with a colourful parrot. Eager to involve others, which is a great characteristic to have. I am curious to hear more about what adventures he's been on and perhaps get the chance to join in one some in the future. |
Cecilia | Excellent with a whip. |
Cerdensulathara | Tall. Dark. Handsome. Serious. Awesome? |
Claude | Eccentric, certainly. But there is a kindness there without any lofty airs. |
Corrigan | Takes stones the size of bricks or a brain the size of a peanut to talk openly about certain topics. I suppose time'll tell which one's the case for this Silk. |
Cristoph | Where the f@#k did he come from? |
Dante | A bit of an enigma. Very good at what he does when he has been with us to scout for danger and holds his own in a fight. I do wonder what is on his mind, but I suppose someone who speaks less than blather on is a good thing. |
Delilah | To meet a man in the grips of sorrow leaves an impression. One of woodsmoke and cutting gin, the soft lament of myrrh mingled among the hot-seared spices that tell such tales in their weighty presence. He showed exquisite, sharp facets of self-control while contemplating mortality. Someone who in better days might be a fast friend. |
Denica | I wasn't brave enough to volunteer, but I have to admire a man with such skill with a whip. |
Denica | Mysterious and definitely Lycene, he seems to know more than he's letting on. Perhaps I should watch him a bit closer. |
Denica | A crack with a whip. Literally. Impressive fighter, not much else is known, but that is enough. |
Dianna | How glad I am to see my cousin again - and what beauties he bestows upon me. ...I wonder if I can find a home as beautiful as his.... |
Domonico | A Mazetti Lord and definitely one of good taste, despite being friends with a troublemaker like my cousin. However his appreciation of books is considerable. Someone worth knowing. |
Dora | A brief meeting at the Reflection Square. I dare say he might have been flirting with me. Not that I mind, I was flirting back. So many lovely people in Arx, I must say. And I do agree, he is a handsom devil. |
Duarte | Clearly working through some grief and frustration. I hope he recovers soon. |
Dustin | The man was searching for a short woman of dark hair and dark eyes. Aren't we all? |
Eddard | A secretive sort, but thats a Velenosan thing. He exemplifies it, in form, function and speech. Obsfucation personified. |
Elgana | While we didn't get to speak much at the lantern ceremony, I think that this one is someone worth getting to know. Kind of word and thought, hopefully the future will hold another meeting to get to know each other better. |
Elora | He was so kind to come with me to the vinyard. I wish it had been under different circumstances, but I am grateful that we have met. |
Eshken | A relaxed and friendly man with equal amounts charm and wit. It was a pleasure. |
Esme | It's unusual how understated and unassuming one can be. He may be yet unconquered but that does not mean that understading is not uninvited. I think we shall be the best of friends for an undetermed amount of time. |
Evaristo | He trained me in how to be more stealthy, and he has a very special way of training - but it was definitely efficient. I owe him some for it, and hopefully soon I can repay. |
Evelynn | I'm glad he has returned, it's a joy to have more family around, even under such dour circumstances. |
Everett | Lord Vitalis is up at the literal crack of dawn, literally cracking the whip to get the day moving. Impressively industrious! |
Faruq | A whip? Seriously? Some people have weird ideas as to what's a weapon of war! Brave though, or foolhardy. Either way I like him. |
Fecundo | Elusive as the sigil of his house, and as challenging. Bruises gained, scrapes delivered and perhaps friendship started. |
Filshiar | An adventurous Lord I encountered at the Queensrest inn. He offered to give me some advice on the plants and animals native to the south of Arvum, for which I was grateful. |
Gerrick | A graceful dancer |
Giada | Thank Tehom for someone with a sense of humour... That was so bad. |
Gianna | A young lord who plays the lute and appreciates music properly; charming. Decent plucking technique. |
Harlex | Able to creep on a cat's-paw, this one. A valuable ally. |
Helena | A fellow scholar and seeker of knowledge. His love of opening doors is one I can relate too -- though I doubt I'm a brave as he is, nor as well equipped to handle what might be behind those doors. |
Hickson | A master of sleight of hand, and a lord with a most generous spirit. |
Ian | Follows orders without arguing. Mostly. |
Ilira | I know as well as he does, I suspect. The smarter of us, then, to leave first. |
Isabeau | He seems pleasant and well informed, I expect he knows much and could be an interesting friend. |
Iseulet | I think we met previously and I don't recall him being blind but it doesn't seem to slow him down. I hear he's now married and moved to a Barony. He still has quite distinguished features and a calm to him. |
Jaenelle | Lord Vitalis is someone I have had the pleasure of working with professionally as well as enjoying his company during quieter periods. A man of charm and wit, he is certainly full of surprises. |
Jeffeth | He offered to teach me how to be more quiet. It was an interesting lesson, not what I thought it was going to be. But it turned into something more. He seems a good man. Though the lesson started with him teaching me in a delightfully unexpected turn I got to teach him some things, and maybe will more in the future. I hope he finds what he's looking for. |
Josephine | He's the worst kind of Mazetti. Or is he the best kind? Is there a worst kind of Mazetti? He's a delightful Mazetti, that's for sure. With good taste in protege's |
Juniper | A magnificent hat! I'm sure he's quite nice too but really, /that hat/. |
Kaia | The treat-sharing stranger at Lottie's confectionery; before I learned who he was, that is. A most kind and gracious gentleman. I "stole" a chocolate covered honeycomb from his little whimsical box of treats. I ADORE those little things! |
Keely | He is enigmatic and wise. We met via missive long before we ever crossed paths, and I always find myself more curious after questions have been answered than before. |
Kenna | He was quite charming - even though I was not at all the best of companions. I only hope to be able to do better in the future. |
Klaus | A paragon of a statesman, and well informed. I believe he and I could hold long discourse between one another over brown nut ale or hot spiced wine. |
Korka | Lord Vitalis Mazetti isn't a man that minces words. His straight-forwardness, humor, and wit is refreshing. |
Kritr | He did not condescend. He knew what he was doing with stance and grip. This is a strange feeling, equality. I want to learn why this Lord is so different from the norm. |
Lianne | Complicated connections. Gracious restraint. An admirable capacity for hope which feels rooted in pragmatism rather than optimism. |
Lora | Quiet and clever. When we were yet strangers he went far beyond what I asked; I wonder what might happen if we could become friends. |
Lottie | What a nice Lycene lord and he seemed real quick to understand the nature of my craft without me really needing to explain it! Insightful and broad minded. |
Lou | He has come a long way since joining the explorers, and I am proud of the work that he has done. I am sure he will go quite far, in Explorer adventure and our own. |
Lucita | A person who enjoys music! That means we'll always have something about which to talk even if all else fails, a good thing to remember. |
Mabelle | Very creative teacher, enjoyable and quite scandelous. |
Mailys | Duty, Honour, exotic teas. I am fondly reminded of more youthful days splitting the cost of a poison tester only to end up paying nothing. But whatever you do, don't turn me into a Duke. |
Maja | I grabbed his arm when I was standing next to him during Open Throne hours. He was very nice and called me 'dazzled'. I like that! I like him. |
Margerie | It is impossible for me to not love someone who loves the people I love as fiercely as I do. |
Margerie | I am pleased to find him among my family, caring so deeply for the people and things that I care about. |
Martino | What a detective and good fun at a party. Remind me to not have any secrets around him as he'll have it out of you before you can even blink. |
Marzio | My younger cousin seems to have grown into a good man indeed. Were he closer to my age or myself to his, I could see the two of us getting into a good deal of trouble together. It could likely still happen. |
Marzio | Much has changed with my cousin since I last saw him. He seems to be getting along well enough in his new life, though it seems there are a few stories I need to hear. |
Mason | Traveling with this man was both refreshing and enjoyable for Mason. He seems to have a healthy sense of humor and the sort of optimistic excitement the Grayson can greatly appreciate while adventuring. He'd gladly travel with the man again. |
Mattheu | a fine teacher with several grand ideas for direction in how to distract others. Would be interested in a dance of glaive with him sometime |
Medeia | A nearly perfect Lycene man. Is there more to say? That's for me alone. |
Merek | The man who taught me a bit about legerdemain and how to play with coins. He's a nice nobleman, all in all. |
Michael | Whathappenedtohisface? |
Mikani | A man with a lot of stories to tell. Maybe he will tell me another. |
Miranda | Wow.. Lord Mazetti just.. vanishes out of sight! He is handy to have on an adventure to be sure! |
Mirk | A Southern lord. Good hand with a whip, and even better at playing a crowd. Worth every silver I offered him, even if it was after the fact. |
Monique | No, no. He's learning party tricks, that's all. Amazing feats to impress children. Really, it's very noble and commendable. |
Neilda | Who wants to write a taxonomy on effluvia? I don't even want to -say- it, much less -write it permanently-. |
Niklas | A good guy for a good drink. I can't hold being related to Theron against him. |
Noah | I'm loathe to admit this to anything Valardin, but I might like him. Might. Maybe. I do want to see what he can do with his hands. |
Norwood | Well, he was very proper. And apparently plays hide and seek. |
Nuala | For a southerner, he's got an easy way with words about him. Plenty of flowery expressions, sure, but also useful tidings. One worth watching. |
Nurie | One of the Mazettis, with a charming demeanor but a most amazing ability to step aside from your attention and then reappear where least expected! Why he could play all sorts of fun tricks on people! Or hide away, if they got angry at him. Perhaps this wouldn't be a terrible thing to study. |
Odin | For a blind guy, you fight extremely good. I guess it's true what they say: you lose one sense and the other senses pick up the slack. Remind me to never underestimate you ever again. |
Orchid | Lord Vitalis seems very wise. He is very good at instructing too. He kind of reminds of of a Grimhall. Perhaps it is why I feel a little more at ease than I normally do when I first meet someone. |
Oswyn | A young lord who asks a great many questions. Which isn't a bad thing! Far from it, really. |
Pasquale | We met during the investigation into Beatrice's dissapearance, albeit very briefly. He seems competent and really very busy. |
Perronne | Well-mannered! Lycene! Did not threaten to poison anyone, and knows when to accept a gift with good grace. I think I like him, and who knows, he might become a client! |
Petal | regal seeming and from a long noble line. He seems like an alright guy. |
Piccola | A teacher of dance moves. Something tells me there's more to him than meets the moment. |
Quenia | Vitalis works hard for the Mirrorguard, and though he has had some unfortunate incidents that have troubled him dearly, he continues to do the best work he can. |
Raimon | First seen at The Shrine of the Queen of Endings. Tall and rangy, with hair as black as pitch. Quietly smiling, in a focussed sort of way. A look of a man who knows things, but quietly. I do believe I should like to meet him . . . |
Razija | Never have a met someone that could so effortlessly hit like a horse kicks. |
Reese | He comes from a great family and a great blood line. The son of a great man. He speaks well. He has intense gaze and moves in a different way. I see the subtle signs of greatness in him. |
Romulius | An interesting man. A Lycean turned Oathlander, with a liking for nocturnal displays of faith. |
Rosalind | He's a fellow explorer and pretty handy. And I trust his choice in weapon... |
Rowenova | I first met Lord Vitalis at Lord Valerio's wake, if only briefly. I heard there that he is a competent scout, just like me. I later saw him at the Spirits at the Beards and Brews II where he pulled off whip tricks with slick grace! He is a talented man! |
Roxana | Handsome and well dressed, or at least I think so. I was fairly tipsy when we met. |
Rufio | Seen in the fighting pits, fist to fist... Now I want to speak to this man outside of it. The arena always brings out the most intresting in a person and shows them true. |
Rysen | The stealthy sort who seems to know his way around the woods. |
Sabella | The newly minted Clement Baron, a thoughtful man who has had to ensure much, but doesn't fail to be polite and engaging. |
Saoirse | A connoisseur of ensembles, he too wishes Selene extended her available items to include full outfits. |
Savio | He's always paying attention, and though his scrutiny is keen, it's not unkind. |
Sophie | To march into the face of danger when you know you're outnumbered - that's the definition of bravery. I would welcome him at any battle I'm in attendance of, of I'm grateful to Lagoma for the skill to heal his wounds. |
Sorrel | A brilliant mind and a good friend to have. We should dance more. |
Stygia | Another whip wielder that uses it rather unconventionally but at least respects the weapon. |
Sunniva | A man of quiet strength and impressive emotional control. In the face of grim news he still shows a steadiness that few possess. |
Sydney | He's a man of unwavering principle. I suspect he sees the world in deep swaths of rich color - but he might yet stand to focus less on Black and White. |
Tanith | Someone Raymesin knows, a blind man with a button and the love of a mother long gone. Looking for answers, I'm hoping I can give him some. |
Tescelina | An acute observer. The space between stars. |
Thalamina | I don't know how he lost his sight (that would probably be rude to ask), but he's still much more observant than most people I know. I wonder if he was like that before or after he lost his sight? Anyway, he's also very kind, to have helped a stranger. |
Thea | Smart--allowed me to ask my questions without being bothered |
Titania | A seeker of knowledge, generous, giver of buetiful sea lily flower. I look forward to a time we can sit and speak more. |
Titus | Never judge a book by the cover, but it's difficult when it's a whip-wielding warrior on the battlefield. Books like that tend to capture your attention. Complex, yet quietly spoken. |
Torian | A Lord, but you wouldn't know it at first glance in the circumstances of our meeting. Reckong his reputation is well earned, and he is a rather light-footed duck indeed. |
Valdemar | A brave, perceptive man with interesting taste in weapons. |
Vanora | I met him at the funeral for the Marshal of Ostria. He was well spoken even through intense emotion, and I find it admirable. |
Vasile | One of the Mazetti that live for the adventure. Led a scouting party to great results. |
Verity | Handsome devil or striking angel, the man plays with words easily and boldly. A most interesting encounter to have at Reflection square. |
Verity | Lord Vitalis is truly a wonderful teacher, freely giving of both his time and knowledge. Though I was stuck in that tree for half an hour before I realized he'd already left. |
Vicente | Poor guy must not have seen much hardness in his life. |
Vincenzo | A keen sense of hearing, though that is to be expected. Patient, inquisitive. Makes for a great conversationalist partner and one I look forward to encountering more of. |
Zakhar | An excellent teacher. For everyone else, never underestimate those that may appear to be different. |
Zoey | A rather strangely aghast Mazetti. He seems pleasant enough, but I don't think I've ever seen one of that House so easily horrified. I was distracted, however, and hope to make a better and more relaxed introduction in the future. |
Zoey | A realist without losing his level-headedness. |
Zyanya | Such boldness as he has must serve him well in a land as wild as this. |
Zyxthylum | He should see me or someone else on the regular for the shoulder. I hope they find Bonnibel easily. Old wounds should not be neglected! |