Baron Tarrant Moore
I will not be forgotten.

Social Rank: 6
Concept: Desperate for glory
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 22
Birthday: 4/17
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Knight
Height: average height
Hair Color: blond
Eye Color: blue
Skintone: fair
Obituary: Killed by forces unknown when Acorn Hill fell.
Description: Curly blond hair is cut short and clean shaven. A high forehead, heavy brow, and slightly cleft chin compose features that would look good in a statue, though the athletic young man's stature is rather average. Most guesses would place his age in the early twenties. Blue eyes beneath fair brows give him a naturally intent look.
Personality: A rather intense young man, courteous and gallant in the way of one raised on chivalric stories, though with a temper that can slip quickly. He can seem almost desperate for acclaim, at times taking himself far too seriously. He is a fine example that those with the most threadbare prude must defend it most vigorously.
Background: Born into the very bottom rung of nobility, his parents are landless distant cousins of minor pastoral barons, who lived on the patience of their kin, so long as they pitched in when the time for harvest came. Tarrant and his sister Tessa grew up in other people's houses, taught never to give offense to their hosts. With little of their own, the boy grew up desperate to win wealth and respect by the only honest path open to him: knighthood and tournament.
It was an ambitious plan, but as a new-made knight he lost all too often, each defeat an expense he could ill afford. The young cavalier found greater success in errantry, chasing bandits and lawbreakers, doing deeds of arms whenever another knight crossed his path, often as a mystery knight with a blank shield and surcoat. Yet such occupations brought him little wealth, and the pleas from his family to settle down and see to the harvest never stopped.
When word arrived of the Siege of Arx, Tarrant was distraught that he had been harvesting wheat while the greatest battle of his age was being fought. He was further distraught to learn that several of his distant kin had died in glorious battle against evil incarnate. He wished to rush across the continent too join the next battle, but such a trip was expensive and the war was already over. Besides, the planting season was close.
Months later, his parents were informed that a third cousin they'd never met had died in a foolhardy charge, leaving them with the slight possibility of a claim on his land. While mother and father were content to watch the crops grow, rather than press an uncertain claim, Tarrant and his sister were not so content, and by hook or crook scrounged the silvers needed to travel to Arx to press their family's claim.
Name | Summary |
Charlaine | My husband is always and ever my champion, my hero, my best friend and my counsel when I need it. I love him always and have been glad to be a part of his life. There is a certain way he looks at me that just lights me afire and like dragonfire, I don't think it can ever be extinguished. |