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Action Id: 1324 Crisis: Participants: Aislin, Orazio(RIP) and Leola
Status: Resolved Submitted: Oct. 30, 2017, 9:31 p.m. Public: True GM: None

Silver: 500000

Action by Aislin

The Bringers' Blight that hit Ashford lands was painful to many: Ashford rangers, hunters, and even the neighboring shav'arvani tribes. The fact that the Gray Forest is recovering -- that Ashford lands are healing -- is something that Aislin believes should be given thanks for. And given the fact that Ashford's coffers are all but overflowing, the Voice of Ashford has decided that it's time to build something to give thanks to the God of Dominion and the Land.

A large Petrichorian temple compound will be constructed on Ashford lands; there will be a ground-level complex, yes, but it will also extending up into the trees per Ashford style, with a chapel up among the canopy as well as a larger one down below. She'll further be collaborating with the Lodge of Petrichor and the Faith to allow them input on how best to do honor to the Forest Lord who is, after all, largely the patron deity of Ashford's woodland territories.

And because Aislin is Aislin, this temple complex will have provisions made for a fairly grand Library of the Land. So many Petrichorian rituals and records have been lost, though some have already begun to be recovered (per previous story emits). Aislin will be procuring copies of every bit of Petrichorian literature, lore, and ritual she can obtain, as well as putting copies of Ashford ranger guides and similar materials there. Anything submitted to the library, by policy, MUST be submitted to the Grand Archives too; this is not meant to supplant them... but if she's learned anything in recent years, it's that having extra copies of knowledge scattered around isn't necessarily a *bad* thing.

(Also, you know... giant sacred tree-fort. Who doesn't want that?)

Action by Orazio(RIP)

Orazio supports this! He will make it clear to the Ashford Faithful that he believes this is a righteous and pious cause, and encourage them to partner with and support Ashford's initiative. He has also been promised a tour of the treehouse when it has been constructed. If he doesn't get that, there shall be holy war. (No, not really.)

Action by Leola

Leola sets out to take the texts and books on Petrichor, and to arrange them in a manner which will assist in their understanding. From a simple overview to specialised topics, Leola seeks to make the knowledge of Petrichor both clear and approachable; and to subtly fill in what gaps she can, too


Called Petrichor's Tree, the new complex has been established! There's a sharp increase in the visitors that pay call to Ashford Keep, as many wish to see and contribute to the new Petrichorian Temple, and admire the truly awe inspiring massive tree fort. ((Domain information updated))