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Action Id: 69 Crisis: Participants: Sophie
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Sophie

Sophie will be marshaling the Mercies in Arx, as I've been informed is within her means. She also will be writing to other parishes, explaining the situation and asking for volunteers to lend aid/join any allied troops. Copies of her autopsy reports about the Bringers and the Beast of Sanctum will be sent to the Father/Mother Mercies of the respective parishes. There also will me more stockpiling and production of medicines and other supplies, coordinating between the Mercies and the Physicians Guild.
Hi. In light of the answer, Sophie will then be doing what she can to rally the necessary people to bless weapons and ground, in addition to all the other healing foo mentioned before. Thank you.


The Mercies being on hand and ready to assist at the Battle of Pridehall played a large factor in the reduction of fatalities, and seeing that the massive number of casualties mostly were kept to being non-lethal. It's less clear how effective the blessings and holy ground was. It certainly was blessed, though nothing seemed dramatic on the battle- none of the enemy exploded on contact or anything outwardly fantastical, like what happened to the Bringer head. A few may have melted from holy weapons, but it's hard to be certain with the fog of war.