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Action Id: 2232 Crisis: Participants: Marian, Darren, Donella, Arik, Lydia and Gwenna
Status: Resolved Submitted: June 3, 2018, 3:12 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 1875000
Economic Resources: 50
Military Resources: 60
Social Resources: 150

Action by Marian

Princess Marian Redrain wants her people to be prepared to defend themselves for whatever comes next. She recognizes in times of peace our soldiers need to have activities to keep their skills honed. With the permission of High Lord Darren, Marian is going to create bands of 4 to 6 soldiers that are skilled in matters of warfare and then send them to the various villages in Redrain to start training their people how to fight. For those that show a gift for the sword, these villagers will be invited to join the Redrain military. Veterns who no longer can actively serve will be given an opportunity to take up training positions so the knowledge can be continued after these initial groups return to the army. In addition, Marian herself will be traveling with High Lord Darren, Princess Gwenna and an retinue of nobles to deliver the pensions and oversee this training.

Action by Darren

While Marian and Gwenna handle the training and administration, Darren will be delivering the pensions directly to the families of the fallen in each and every place the delegation visits. He will take the time to console losses and thank families for their ultimate sacrifice. He won't be giving fancy speeches or raining empty platitudes, but having simple, genuine conversations. He will hug widows and kiss babies in an effort to be seen and felt by his people.

Action by Gwenna

While boasting no martial prowess herself, Gwenna will instead encourage those in the villages toward learning to fight to defend themselves or honing their skills. For those who show promise and might hedge on joining the Redrain military, she reminds them of their chance at history, of serving along side the legendary Marian should they choose to join. She will listen to the tales told by the veterans who can no longer serve and how important it is that they share these stories and their knowledge with the next generation. Lastly, she will take time to speak with the families once they receive their pensions, sincerely wanting to learn more about their loved ones who were lost. Gwenna's role will be that of listener, encourager to the people, and support to both Marian and Darren as they travel.

Action by Arik

Arik is not a chipper man and nor is he a diplomat. As the main group goes forth to hand out pensions Arik is part of the soldiers that are sent from place to place to train those willing to join the Redrain Military. Arik makes no secret that he is the Sword of Whitehold and a Halfshav Lord supporting his liege. During his time with the commonfolk he challenges them if a Lord from hundreds of miles away can come and help why can they who live on Redrain lands not step up. Any who answer the challenge get pointers from the man along with suggestions on what weapons would best suite them. He doesn't spend more than fifteen minutes per willing serf. Simple iron weapons are provided by Arik himself until supplies run out!

Action by Lydia

Lydia will accompany Marian, Gwenna and Darren to deliver pensions. If Lydia gets the opportunity, she will "spar" with those who come to learn... she's not a very physical character, but not everyone they meet will be a gladiator and she might just learn something herself, make friends, and find connections. She is young and will encourage those like her that the world will rise up to meet them if they step up and take part in it, as she herself is evidence of this.

Action by Donella

Donella will accompany her husband as he delivers the pensions personally, following suit by breaking into personal conversations with those that come forward. She will listen to their problems and try to make them spread the word of how their sacrifice was important for the realm and how House Redrain will not forget about those who shed blood for their cause. During her conversations, she'll try to show how joining the army will protect them all in the long run and how a strong, big and unified army will guarantee fewer losses.


Under the direction of their Warlord Princess Marian, the Redrain family makes a tour of their lands. High Lord Darren delivers pensions to those who lost family members in the recent fight against the Pirate King. He offers words of encouragement and genuine conversations. These are not speeches for the masses, they're private words that show how much his heart lies with his people. With Princess Donella at his side, and Duchess Lydia Nightgold joining them, the trio reach out to those who have suffered losses and truly touched their hearts. "We mourn with you," is the message they offer. "We grieve. We grow closer. We will not forget. We will rebuild." It's a comforting message in this time of sorrow, and their genuine outreach is very well received.

Princess Marian takes the lead in recruiting now too. She spends time with people who might have an aptitude for swordwork. She encourages them to join the army. "This is how we protect what we love," she offers. She brings with her Princess Gwenna and Lord Arik Halfshav and together they offer to teach and test whoever is willing. Any of those who want to join the military and show an aptitude for it are offered a slot. Princesses Marian and Gwenna are quite well received - though Lord Arik comes across as not having much time for the people, his approach of "spend no more than fifteen minutes with each person" not exactly well received. And yet even with that social gaffe the three manage to see recruitment numbers swell.

On the whole, it's a successful trip, the Redrain army has new recruits, pensioners are taken care of, and the royal family of Redrain (and friends!) is spoken of fondly as they see to the needs and the hearts of their people.