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Action Id: 1986 Crisis: Participants: Lumen, Bliss, Tristan, Esoka, Tomwell and Kia
Status: Resolved Submitted: April 14, 2018, 12:44 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Social Resources: 1000
Action Points: 100

Action by Lumen

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Carrot and the Stick:
With the rumors of a rabbit-borne illness hopping about and poaching restrictions lifted, these are treacherous times to be a cotton-tail! Lumen is going to manipulate junior Inquisitors into helping her. "This is good for public perception! The Inquisition aren't monsters, killing off innocent rabbits and tearing beloved childhood pets from their homes," she'll tell them. *Now, some of these Inquisitors may be part of the resources she's been allowed access to by the Master of Questions and some... may very well not be.* She's going to have them help her humanely capture rabbits in the area surrounding the Palace, bring them to House of Questions for inspection, and then release them back into the wild with collars if deemed suitable. If the rabbits seem agitated, the gentle Softest Whisper is just going to coo into their cages sweetly. Just a totally normal situation here.

Action by Tomwell

Tomwell has no rabbit-catching ability whatsoever, but he does hail from the wooded lands of Leaholdt. There are surely many members of House Leary, particularly among the commoners, who are skilled trappers. Tomwell, as a favor to his good friend Lumen, is going to go out and talk to any hunters or trackers or woodsy people he knows to convince them to help her out with her efforts.

Action by Esoka

Esoka is helping! She's a practiced huntress and tracker, and knows how to build cages and snares that will entangle an animal without killing them (hopefully, if all goes well). She'll set down some traps (with tempting food) in areas surrounding the Palace that seem likely. She'll also be wearing a mirror pendant, and requesting a vial of holy water from the Faith, to flash at and sprinkle the rabbits she traps. Hey, you never know.

Action by Bliss

Bliss is on guard duty here. Wabbits are very sneaky creatures, as has been told in many stories about when they've been hunted, and she is going to keep a close eye on the cages while 'dealing' with any that escape. With her rapier. It's a cruel job, but someone has to do it, and she is betting she is quick enough to keep up with scurrying lagomorphs.

Action by Tristan

Having been roped into this thing somehow, Tristan is going to be working on setting quarantine procedures based on the ones he uses when horses from places suspect for contagion arrive in the stables. He'll direct setting up isolated cages away from other animals for rabbits to be quarantined for weeks after they are caught, remind everyone who feeds, handles, cleans or otherwise deals with the rabbits to wash their hands and not use anything the quarantined rabbits have touched on healthy rabbits. He spends a lot of drilling this into rabbit keepers' heads. He will also keep a close eye on said rabbits for signs of illness. Or weirdness. Or evil.

Action by Kia

Kia will be observing the various rabbits that are caught. She will be giving a heads up to the others if one of them seems suspicious so that they can give it to the Inquisition or kill it. Prodigals know their rabbits afterall.


Poor Gareth. Poor, poor Gareth. Bunnies were attained. The Fluffybottoms rode forth! Lumen was maimed, possible FOR LIFE! SUCH TRAVAILS. Also everyone sang.