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Action Id: 1014 Crisis: Participants: Harald(RIP), Turo, Valdemar, Sameera(RIP), Edward, Merida, Titania, Melinda and Regla
Status: Resolved Submitted: June 26, 2017, 5:50 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Action by Harald(RIP)

A joint Grimhall-Navegant campaign is being launched to subjugate one of the abandoned northern Isles near Escuma.  The island must be large enough to eventually support a stable barony. The combined fleets of both houses under Turo will secure the coasts, deliver warriors and supplies to support the armies ashore. The Grim Legion (Army #91) under Harald will land on the western shore, establishing a base of operations on the coast, where a palisade and ditch will be raised for defense, while Navegant warriors under Lady Regla (Quirin’s Army #105) will land and begin their sweep from the south coast.  Merida and Valdemar will also be with the army.

This fortified camp is intended to grow into a town after the campaign, once settlers are brought in. Initially, the camp will support a lengthy and thorough sweep of the island by the armies.  Organization of the camp will be entrusted to Sameera Coldrain, who will also direct initial construction while the military operation is underway, with an eye toward the settlement to follow.

Diplomats (Melinda, Titania, Edward) will travel with the armies to handle negotiation with any tribes of Abandoned who are encountered. Their aim is to avoid the massacre and enthralling of any Abandoned  tribes by persuading them to turn Prodigal. Titania speaks Island Shav, and will be primary translator. Shavs who resist before surrendering will become thralls, Tribes who kneel peacefully will become free subjects. (Rolf will not be allowed anywhere near negotiations. Fucking Rolf.) The diplomats will have the secondary task of inquiring after any rumors of magic, or sorcery among the Abandoned.  Gifts of steel, mead, and furs will be offered, to sweeten the offer.

Should the island be pacified, the final phase of the campaign is long term settlement. Refugees from the Silence have been promised land through Lady Caelis Malvici, who has agreed to re-settle any fisherfolk, farmers, woodworkers, or any folk willing to learn those trades, starting at the fortified coastal camp.  Combined with any Prodigals, this should provide the island with a self sufficient population base after a few successful growing seasons.  With Navegant's approval, governance of the island will be entrusted to Edward Stormbreak, in vassalage to Navegant.

Action by Turo

Action by Valdemar

Action by Sameera(RIP)

Action by Edward

Action by Merida

Action by Titania

Action by Regla

Action by Melinda


Made all the roles, made ALL the posts, and the adjustments, opened up the new dominion too. Congratulations! You have colonized an island!