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Action Id: 496 Crisis: Participants: Silas, Darren, Calaudrin, Thena, Arianna(RIP) and Eshken
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Silver: 20000
Economic Resources: 100
Military Resources: 150
Social Resources: 20

Action by Silas

Silas is gathering artisans from his barony - primarily masons and carpenters - and sending them off to build small shrines dedicated to Mangata along the White Mountain River and the Gray River. A small contingent of soldiers (about 20) is dispatched to guard them and dissuade brigands from attacking. His steward, Eshken, will be entrusted with reaching out to other counties and baronies to help aid and expedite constuction.

Action by Thena

Sister Thena dispatches three Godsworn agents of the Knights of Solace (cost: 50 military units from Solace org) and contributes 10k of her personal income to the building and blessing of the new riverside shrines.

Action by Eshken

Eshken will assist with organizing Silas' selected artisans and soldiers before sending messengers to the other holdings and villages dotted along the rivers, in the hopes of persuading them to aid in the construction. In addition, he'll reach out to a few men of the pantheon, hoping their goodwill will be enough to motivate them in aiding the godly effort.

Action by Calaudrin

Lieutenant Calaudrin Estardes of the Iron Guard is happy to assist Baron Whitehawk, since he's his boss (and comrade) and possibly something about 'needing a vacation'. He'll help guard the workers along with the other solidiers as well as keep an eye out for anything suspicious. Not because he necessarily suspects something but well... okay, he /always/ suspects something.

Action by Arianna(RIP)

Lady Stonewood has agreed to send materials and fifty Wardens to help safeguard the craftsman and stonemasons while they erect the shrines along the Rivers. In exchange, the Baron's people will work to erect the shrines and statues in Stonewood lands, continuing all along the Gray River. Arianna has made arrangements with Baron Whitehawk in regards to the trade between their Houses. Seeing how this combined effort will benefit them both.

Action by Darren

In Farhaven and the surrounding area, Darren will be calling for Shamans and Faithful alike to band together and build small shrines to Mangata along the rivers and lakes, particularly close to the Red Run. He makes a passionate and implored speech to these people, attempting to inspire them to work together for the betterment of the Compact. Darren himself will assist in building some of the shrines around Farhaven in particular. ((Note: we will be utilizing 200 economic resources and 200 social resources (please take from Redrain Org) in order to assist with this action).


It's an uncertain time right now. The reports from Maelstrom are grim, and more and more people are flocking to shrines of Mangata to pray, to offer gifts, to give thanks and to pray for their loved ones to come home. Under the direction of Baron Silas Whitehawk, small shrines to Mangata have been built all along the White Mountain River and the Gray River - personal shrines but no less beautiful for all their size. In Farhaven, Prince Darren calls for Shaman and the Faithful to band together to build more shrines to the goddess around Red Run. Lady Arianna Stonewood, Sister Thena of the Knights of Solace, and Lieutenant Calaudrin Estardes of the Iron Guard all offer help to protect the craftsmen organized by Eshken Greenblood. The shrines are safe and used - in ones and twos people come to offer prayers to Mangata.