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Action Id: 1127 Crisis: Participants: Rook
Status: Resolved Submitted: Aug. 28, 2017, 5:30 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Rook

Rook has acted as an information broker to the Scholars for a long time, since the days of Aldwin establishing the order, even. He's a linguist (linguistics 4!), he's a researcher (investigation 4!), and a teacher (teaching 4!). He has been known to study social pursuits - obviously as a courtier - as well as a academic ones. When Aldrin begun digging up dirt from fell powers, lost heroes such as Palladium and other such mysterious entities? Rook took a step back. It was felt, at the time, that such matters would cause Undue Attention and so Rook stepped back to offer a more mundane approach. Having the Despite wipe your memory (which became apparent in a discussion with Aldwin where he blanked an entire conversation previously had) is a pretty serious indication not to Fuck With Fable. So, Rook does as he does best, sticking to the wall and picking up information by those who trust him as a social and political backbone to the Crown and advising scholars where and when they should and shouldn't investigate matters-- or at least share it around. Essentially, Rook's involvement should be seen by now as a logical mind and a helping hand that guides wayward, naughty scholars who want to go right for the Black Books (a la Samwell Tarly).


"It seems time, even if you are a disappointment to us all by not becoming godsworn and becoming a -true- scholar of vellichor with no worldly distractions to take you from valuable research." There is an appropriate amount of harumphing, (just enough, not too much!) as they agree that it is time to promote rook to rank 4. They still wish more would become godsworn and not be distracted, but there's plenty of scholars that don't go that far.