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Action Id: 1752 Crisis: Participants: Samantha
Status: Resolved Submitted: Feb. 2, 2018, 2 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Action by Samantha

So Sam did a thing! She wrote a book called The Four Pillars of Diplomacy, which discusses fundamental principles of the craft, but has specific emphasis on how to approach non-hostile Abandoned tribes. She has been giving copies to anyone who solicits her for one, with one exception: she sent a copy to Princess Lou for the Explorer's Society because a year or so back, Aislin asked her to write something along those lines for them, and Samantha has now fulfilled that promise. But many have requested and received a copy, including the Lead Archivist of the Scholars of Vellichor.


Marquessa Samantha Deepwood writes a book about Diplomacy. It's a dry subject so it's not what people would call a page-turner. But it does talk in fairly reasonable terms about the pillars of diplomacy, and how one could potentially use diplomacy to do great things with it, and the people involved in trying to avoid wars and altercations (and save lives, they are quick to add) by talking out their differences are quick to point out that it's an intelligent book written by an excellent diplomat herself. Among the knowledgable, the book is in high demand.