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Action Id: 2704 Crisis: Participants: Lisebet, Isabeau, Zara, Ouida and Aahana
Status: Resolved Submitted: Sept. 30, 2018, 1:13 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 50000
Economic Resources: 1300
Military Resources: 140
Social Resources: 240

Action by Lisebet

Some folks are not fighters, but that doesn't mean they can't help. Lady Lisebet and Princess Zara are working together to get supplies. They are collecting silver, resources, supplies, and making sure that it gets to where it needs go go. Supplies include cots, food, water, rope, blankets, weapons, arrows, and other things that might be needed, with the understanding that someone else has the medical supplies in hand. They are also coordinating with the military types to make sure the supplies get to where it makes most sense for them to be.

Action by Zara

Zara will set about speaking with other members of family and within the city who might have time on there hands and want to feel part of things. She will get others to roll bandages, to help pack up boxes, to do everything to get the items they are preparing ready and enough of them in time.

Action by Isabeau

Princess Isabeau Valardin is no steward, but she does have access to a Great House's purse and she know how to make every copper count. She'll assist Lady Lisebet by offering her bookkeeping skills and generally helping to ensure that every piece of silver that is donated is spent as wisely as possible.

Action by Aahana

Aahana is aiding Lady Lisebet and Princess Zara with gathering supplies together for the Lodge of Petrichor. Using her charms and ways of moving the masses, as well as some of her own writs, she is trying to gather as much supplies as possible. It is better to be over prepared than under after all!

Action by Ouida

On behalf of her house, Lady Ouida is using her personal contacts and access to gather funds for military supplies and to aid in helping to place them.


Lady Lisebet Farshaw rounds up more mundane supplies with the help of Princess Zara, Princess Isabeau, Lady Aahana and Lady Ouida. They collect resources, supplies, cots, food, water, weapons, armor, arrows - anything that might help in the defense of the Lodge, as the Compact expands its holdings further into the Gray Forest and prepares to defend what it has taken. They coordinate with military folks to make sure everything is placed in the most advantageous positions.