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Action Id: 551 Crisis: Participants: Alis
Status: Resolved Submitted: Jan. 5, 2017, 12:52 a.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Alis

House Valardin's 100 Swords would like to hold any Iron Guard they capture for questioning, and will then turn them over to the Ministry of Defense.


Princess Alis Valardin, Voice of Sanctum and the Oathlands, rallies the hundred swords of House Valardin and almost immediately comes upon fighting. Frankly, it was hard to tell which of the iron guards were fighting for the crown, and which fighting for Everard the rebel, but she swiftly and effectively surrounds them and demanding in the most commanding voice from the dimunitive princess... that has a clatter of weapons hitting the ground. The hundred swords had something to do with it, but it was mostly Alis' voice. Two dozen prisoners taken, that are awaiting questioning and sorting out by the Ministry of Defense.