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Action Id: 130 Crisis: Participants: Alis
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Alis

As one of those specifically not excommunicted, Alis realizes she needs to make an extra effort to set an example for others on how to react to what has been happening. As such, she has begun pairing up with either a member of the Greenmarch (usually Lord Fiachra) or one of the Redrain if they are amenable, to patrol the city and its outskirts to assist in breaking up any acts of violence or crime where appropriate. It is an affort to demonstrate that despite religious differences, both those who worship the Pantheon of the Spirits through a Shamanistic path share the same values. It is important to work together for peace, and not allow our diffeences to cause rifts between us.
Naturally, Fawkhul shoving the Archduchess off a bridge has changed the situation drastically. Alis has been helping coordinate vigil rotations for those Oathlanders and vassals wanting to support Edain's Vigil outside of the Rectory; and, in addition, also holding vigil beside him as much as she is able.


The Northlands and the Greenmarchers greatly appreciate the show of support, and it goes a long way to making sure there's no outbreaks of violence. The Faith tends to be irritated about it, and even some of House Valardin looks in askance about it. Sure, the Greenmarchers are vassals, but maybe they should give up their beliefs and be true members of the Oathlands. Still, overall, she has more fans than critics.