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Action Id: 2142 Crisis: Participants: Cristoph, Jael, Norwood, Nicia(RIP) and Naka
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 8, 2018, 10:55 a.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 1000000
Action Points: 100

Action by Cristoph

**War Pensions**

House Laurent will be taking 1,000,000 silver out of the bank and portioning it out over the next several years to the families of soldiers slain in the fight against the pirate king. Cristoph as well as members of House Laurent will be traveling to Artshall to oversee the initial distribution of funds and touch base with their people. This will include meeting personally with families and stopping in villages to assess their situations and listen to grievances.

Action by Nicia(RIP)

Nicia is making certain that, legally speaking, the funds go to the right people, and are protected in such a way that they aren't going to be taken away over the years. She is accompanying Cristoph and the rest, with her mountains of paperwork and making sure that their people are as protected as possible.

Action by Jael

Jael helps with money distribution, as someone who can ride around with bags of silver and not require too much guarding.

Action by Norwood

Norwood comes with the Laurent Duke as he hands out the pensions. Much like he did in Oakhaven, the sword brings a commoner's bent to the venture. He tells stories of the soldiers he served with and leaves the families with tales of valor that he either experienced with their loved ones, or were passed to him by their loved ones. In addition he helps out as he can, helping with some scattered sheep here, a broken fence there, and all around does what he can to help them move on after the trauma of lost loved ones.

Action by Naka

Naka travels along with other members of House Laurent to meet with families of slain soldiers. The main commitment from him is time spent in listening and commiserating. There is nothing that can be done to bring back those who have fallen, but it is a genuine rather than a manipulative sentiment that their sacrifice is remembered and respected. When it seems appropriate, Naka will speak up to that effect.


Under Duke Cristoph Laurent, the Laurent family takes a mind-boggling 1,000,000 silver and parcels it out to the families of the fallen in the recent actions against the Pirate King. Duchess Nicia, Lady Jael, Lord Naka, and Sir Norwood travel with Duke Cristoph to Artshall to make arrangements for the distribution of these funds in the coming decade.

The people of Artshall are stunned, and very pleased to see that their ruling family is taking such care of the families of the fallen - not just in the immediate, but over the coming years as well. Their estimation of the Laurents rise, their praises are sung, and many a smug conversation is had in Arx over a drink, pointing with pride to their particular ruling family and how carefully they take their responsibilities to their people. The Laurents aren't just randomly donating to soup kitchens, they point out - they're taking care of their own, just as they're supposed to do.