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Action Id: 1423 Crisis: Participants: Arianna(RIP) and Joslyn
Status: Resolved Submitted: Nov. 21, 2017, 2:35 a.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Silver: 15005
Economic Resources: 100

Action by Arianna(RIP)

Arianna wants to see the worship of Tehom spread more commonly throughout the Crownlands and beyond. Though every movement has to gain momentum somewhere and thus Stonehearth, the seat of House Stonewood is the birth of her efforts. With the construction of the temple Arianna begins holding ceremonies, guided meditations and rituals dedicated to the Thirteenth for the people. She doesn't expect many to show up at first and has prepared for that by creating theological curriculum disguised as spiritual techniques to protect the soul from the Abyssal corruption spreading through the Gray Forest. This is an observed phenomena that people can get behind and understand as a threat and also props the House of the Thirteenth up as a much desired destination to gain education, guidance and self discipline. It's a slow movement but indoctrination always is and at the end of the day, the young Lady of Stonehearth is ever the charming, articulate and cunning woman whom has been able to inspire fidelity from the people. It's what she does as the Minister and now as a Disciple of the Thirteenth.

Action by Joslyn

Joslyn is new to Stonehearth, and so with these services Arianna is running, Joslyn finds it to be a perfect opportunity to make her first public appearances in Stonehearth as the new Lady Joslyn Stonewood. She offers to lead her own services, but she also seeks to help the less fortunate. Joslyn will be using the temple as a staging ground for charity works to try to give people jobs and to feed the hungry, to make it a place of healing and charity as much as it is a place of worship and reflection. She'll be paying for these efforts from her own coffers, and perhaps let it be known that she has introduced herself to Stonehearth by the way of charity, working along with the masses to help those in need.


It's slow going, but it's going. There's still an institutionalized discomfort through the Compact (outside the Lyceum) with worship of the 13th, and it takes time to overcome that. The Temple has won quite a bit of praise in the Lyceum, and many of the vassals in Stonehearth are beginning to come around when something they found creepy at first isn't turning out to be the worst thing, but it's still more of a trickle of individuals being won over than a flood.