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Action Id: 1983 Crisis: Participants: Sparte, Leola and Samael
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 7, 2018, 7:55 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Social Resources: 2000

Action by Sparte

'No Question Left Unasked'

The Scholars have successfully undertaken two waves of spreading knowledge at unprecedented levels to the far reaches of our society. They are giving people answers, and that is important. Yet more important still is the will to ask questions. The right questions for a person to grow, to give new answers to seek, new heights to reach.

Believing that is the single greatest opportunity to realize the mission of the Salon, a new initiative has been proposed named No Question Left Unasked. It is a joint mission of The Salon working with the Scholars to embolden people to ask questions. To give them the spark of wonder and curiousity and nurture it into a flame.

This seeks to achieve that by spreading philosophy, the principles of debate, as well as instruction on skills such as diplomacy, empathy, and critical thinking techniques. This is a continuation of the spread of knowledge that the Scholars undertook, but focused on knowledge that helps people ask questions and hear questions.

Let us be the guiding stars to a new wave of curious minds.

Action by Leola

Leola knows that knowledge is needed, but that people care most about their day to day lives. To that end, the knowledge she makes available is simple things - agricultural techniques for visitors to the city. The discussions are conducted in the same style as the other lesosns and teachings of the Salon; only the content is directed to things more relevent to everyday life in Arvum

Action by Samael

Growing the ranks of inquisitive minds is of utmost importance to Samael. He will be leading the Scholars in their share of the efforts to help educate the realm. He will be focusing on the advertisement of the groups' efforts, spreading the word and enhancing the turn out to their instructional lectures.


The Salon, a philosophical group that gathers to discuss the burning questions of the day, has joined with the Scholars in a new initiative titled No Question Left Unasked. Together their goal is training, teaching, and uncovering the strange maunderings of the intelligent mind - to intellectually explore out the strange eddies of thought and twists and turns of ethics and philosophy.

With Officer Sparte, Dame Leola, and Lord Samael Bisland, the first round of these questions is focused more on agriculture and learning than anything else. And it is successful too - farmers come away with improved tips and knowledge of crop rotation and animal husbandry that have long been lost to time. For those who make their living by the till, this is important, vital knowledge they recover now.

Perhaps more importantly to those leading the efforts though, this foray into agricultural techniques shows the importance of asking questions of all sorts. No question is too small, no searcher for knowledge too unimportant. Salon membership grows, and people get a little more used to asking questions.