Meranthe Grayhope
It's amazing how many folks will look the other way when there's coin in it

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Senior Smuggler
Gender: female
Marital Status: single
Age: 45
Birthday: 4/30
Religion: None
Vocation: Merchant
Height: average height
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: hazel
Skintone: dark
Description: With hazel eyes in a thoroughly-tanned face, Meranthe looks to be somewhere in middle age and well-travelled. Old enough to be confident but young enough to be active, she brings a gravity and intensity to everything she does. The slenderness of youth has been left behind, but Meranthe's stockiness is still more muscle than anything else, and her cheeks and chin dimple when she smiles.
Personality: Meranthe is a businesswoman, and it's on that basis that she deals with the world. Everything is a profit and loss calculation, and everyone has a price. And yet, Meranthe also knows that some things have a value that can't be measured in money - and those she'll work just as hard to earn. Family and trust are beyond price, as are laughter and friendship. But most other things can be traded.
Background: Born and reared in the Lower Boroughs of Arx, Meranthe was raised at the Murder of Crows, just another Grayhope brat in and around the tavern. While she adored her family and felt most comfortable when surrounded by them, she also felt a deep longing to see the world beyond the Lowers and the walls of Arx. When she reached adulthood, Meranthe struck out on her own, taking up a position with a trading caravan. In this capacity, she saw the length and breadth of the Compact, from the Mourning Isles to the mountains of the North to the Hundred Cities of the Lyceum. Having worked as a guard and a sutler, she collected her fair share of stories and scars.
Eventually, with her earnings, she became a merchant in her own right and over time began leading caravans of her own. There are few who know the roads and the wilds of the Compact like she does and she is very well paid for her extensive knowledge. Skilled with people as well as money, Meranthe been blessed by Gild with success in her ventures and found her own sort of happiness.
But nothing lasts forever and the call of home was too loud to ignore, particularly after learning of the fall of Bastion and the complete destruction of Artshall. She was traveling the Great Road back to Arx when news reached her of the disappearance of the Grayhope family head, leaving a void with few with the right temperament to fill. So, she steps back into Arx, older and wiser and with a determination to protect her family from the threats of the world and, hopefully, see them prosper as well.
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