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Action Id: 1416 Crisis: Participants: Aiden(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: Nov. 19, 2017, 7:24 p.m. Public: True GM: None

Action Points: 50

Action by Aiden(RIP)

Aiden has been ill for a while now and that has left him restless. He's expanded his mind as far as it comes to occult under the teaching of those around him with the skill. While he waits for their mission to schedule to seek out the griffins, he's gone to study the Gallery of Jayus and has become thoughtful afterward. He spends much time alone or in the company of the birds and mediates, looking far into himself for the answers, for he knows there are echoes that exist in his soul that could give him the answer. He's trying to call forward memories to remember rituals to become a familiar or at least perhaps a memory to an artifact that will help him communicate. He's delving deep into his own soul and spirit, opening himself up to the dreams.


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