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Action Id: 2063 Crisis: Participants: Preston, Edain, Ailith, Orazio(RIP), Aureth, Aleksei, Katarina, Thena and Terese
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 5, 2018, 8:42 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Silver: 50000
Economic Resources: 2600
Military Resources: 1300
Social Resources: 1000

Action by Preston

With the deaths at Stormwall representing a large portion of the Faith Militant, over half the Templar order at that time, and including Grandmaster Armel of the Knights of Solace Sir Preston, with the support of Dame Thena, has decided that the time has come to have a proper memorial place for the honoured dead of the Templars and the Knights of Solace and those who stood with them to be interred. And where better than to have it close to Sanctum, ancient home of the Faith and spirutually close to the hearts of many of the Faith Militant, especially the majority who look to the Orthodoxy.

Preston envisages something to rival the Cathedral in Arx or the Hall of Heroes. A white marble building with gilded doors, with several halls within. The largest will be for the Faith Militant, with several orders of shrine there to remember notable heroes of the faith, from plaques and busts through to large ornate tombs with a likeness of the individual carved onto the lid.

In the various halls, one for each fealty and one for the Crown, there will be spaces for those knights sworn to the noble houses of the fealties - whose oaths are sworn under the Gods, and Gloria chiefly among those - who fell at Stormwall, Setarco and Darkwater, as well as in future actions alongside the Faith Militant. A lot of space will be left to grow, in case the King should wish to send the King's Own or others who die in service there as well. In the very centre of the Faith's hall will be an ornate fountain, with statues in miniature of those Mercies who fall while in battle, so that in death they are not seperated from those Knights of Solace who looked after them in life.

Under this grand maosoleum of the faith there will be a large series of catacombs to hold the ossuries, with so many fallen the great many will be remembered in long lists on plaques, listed by Parish. It will also hold lesser tombs on its upper levels.

It will have, going forward, a guard of Templars that will be drawn from all the fealties, a deliberate statement that this belongs to all, and the Faith is everywhere. There will also be a dedicated waystation built for the Knights of Solace who guide pilgrims to this holy site. And of course, invitations at its opening to all the high lords and leaders of the Faith, including the Seraph of Sanctum.

The project was organised in the name of the Faith Militant, both the Knights of Solace and the Templars, by Sir Preston and with the support of Dame Thena. The major donors to the project were the Templars under Sir Preston (and a bit of Sir Preston personal donations), the Knights of Solace under Dame Thena, the Mercies under their Voice Cybele, the Faith of the Pantheon via Legate Orazio and with support from Princess Alarissa and Prince Victus of Thrax. Land was provided by Prince Edain of House Valardin.

((OOC: Per request response, we are aiming for the largest category offered of 5000 resources to rival the great cathedral of Arx/Hall of Heroes. Some is provided in silver at the agreed rate of 500 silver to 1 resource. Hubris thy name is creepy big place full of heeby jeeby skeletons that totally won't backfire on us))

To celebrate the construction, and to consecrate the ground, there will be a consecration ceremony taking place. As mentioned, invites will go out to all the high lords, the Seraph of Sanctum and local seraphs, to the Faith.

Preston will be journeying north from Arx with a body of troops to attend and to give a speech on the importance of this endeavour to commemorate loss, and a moment when we were united as a people against evil, and to understand that our continued fight will mean continued sacrifice, but that as long as the Faith endures, our people will be remembered.

Action by Thena

As the other arm of the Faith Militant, Thena and the Silver Order provide what resources they can. Thena and a small contingent join the group going to Sanctum and make a terser speech than Preston that is hopefully still inspiring.

Action by Orazio(RIP)

In addition to the diverting of resources to this worthy project, Legate Orazio is happy to make his support for the memorial project clear. He reaches out to clergy throughout Arx, but particularly in the Oathlands, and encourages them to support the project as well. He also talks to chapters of the Knights of Solace and the Mercies of Lagoma throughout Arx, sending letters to explain the purpose of the project, and either answering their questions (when he can) or directing them to Sir Preston for whatever he can't anser.

Action by Edain

Edain will provide the land that the monument can be built on and will sponsor a yearly Tourney in Sanctum the Victor's of both the joust and the grand melee will be given the honor of being Honor Guards for the tombs for the year that follows. There is no greater honor than defending the rest of fallen Faith Militant.

Action by Aureth

The primary assistance that Aureth offers Preston here is in consultation regarding the memorial, and the ways to ensure that it best honors Death, as well as the consecration of the memorial for Death. He offers his expertise both theologically and as, essentially, a SPOKESPERSON for Death. (Salesman for Death?)

Action by Ailith

Twofold actions are led by Ailith. The first is with assisting with the invitation campaign to the neighboring Seraphs and Godsworn to encourage attendance and participation for this memorial consecration ceremony. One such suggestion for those closest to Sanctum is to create and encourage pilgrimages by the Faithful with the Seraphs, Mercies, Godsworn, and Faith militant among them.

The second is to coordinate with the Seraph of Sanctum for a joint consecration ceremony with the attending Seraphs (herself included) assisting the Seraph of Sanctum (because he represents parish of the Heart of the Faith AND the memorial is built near Sanctum). She will provide many traditional orthodox excerpts of the Faith Militant and the Godsworn as this memorial reflects all our holy brethren as well as appropriate excerpts for Gloria, Gild, Lagoma, and the Queen of Endings. This ceremony would be formal and solemn as well as hopeful and honoring those who have passed . . . candles lit, leaving offerings to each god of the pantheon, (for example, to Petrichor for the land and holy domain) and so forth.

Action by Aleksei

Aleksei joins the Faith contingent for the consecration ceremony, making himself a known presence in Sanctum, because it can't hurt to continually check in and see if they've decided he's a servant of the Abyss yet. Skald isn't the foremost of the gods being honored, but Aleksei will talk about honoring the brave choices those interred made to serve the Faith and the cause of light. Since they chose to put their lives at risk to protect others, so to will the Faith choose to honor their sacrifice.

Action by Katarina

As the adopted sister of the High Lord of the Oathlands, it's with dutiful honor that Katarina accompanies the contingent at the consecration ceremony in Sanctum to show her support for the fallen heroes of Stormwall who gave the ultimate sacrifice for their victory. While she isn't one for grandstanding orations, it's with quiet pleasure that she speaks with the peerage to encourage donations to the ongoing maintenance and memorial services yearly thereafter to remember the people by giving her own.

Action by Terese

As a noble daughter of the Oathlands upon which the mausoleum of the faith is to be built Terese sets out to journey with the group as an escort. While others seek to make their speeches upon the grounds, she works in the background to speak with the Oathlands clergy as well as the people that come to see the consecration of the grounds. She speaks of the battle of Stormall, the devastation of its losses and the ever enduring strength and leadership of both the faith and the Templars that act as the sword and the shield that refuses to falter even in the face of such tragedies and the importance of honoring their sacrifices along with all of the knights that fell.


With the deaths at Stormwall representing a large portion of the Faith Militant, over half the Templar order at that time, and including Grandmaster Armel of the Knights of Solace, Sir Preston with the support of Dame Thena has decided that the time has come to have a proper memorial place for the honoured dead of the Templars and the Knights of Solace and those who stood with them to be interred. High Lord Edain provides the land for this mausoleum at Sanctum, promising a yearly tournament in honor of the fallen.

Legate Orazio speaks to those in the Faith, expressing his hope in their support and his own approval of the project. Archlector Aureth consults on the project, and perhaps there is some discussion of small rodents in the mausoleum, or maybe he's just being punny. Seraph Ailith reaches out to her fellow Seraphs, and also to the Seraph of Sanctum, and gets their support for the project, encouraging pilgrimages to the dedication and including them in the consecration ceremony. Blessed Aleksei shows up too, honoring his Oathlands roots as he stands with his fellow priests for the consecration ceremony.

The Valardin turn out in force, most notably Princess Katarina and Princess Terese, standing with their High Lord as they dedicate this mausoleum for the fallen of the Faith to rest. With a huge cathedral above, and catacombs below with ample room for ossuaries for the dead, the mausoleum is a grandiose tribute to fallen heroes, funded and supported by the Faith, the Mercies under Cybele, and donations from High Lord Victus and Princess-Consort Alarissa.