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Action Id: 1854 Crisis: Participants: Katarina, Arn(RIP), Caelis, Thorley, Jaerith and Vano(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: March 3, 2018, 10:53 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Military Resources: 340
Action Points: 80

Action by Katarina

The Princess Admirals, Caelis and Katarina, are jointly leading the Oathlands fleet into battle from the west. Given their skill and renown respectively for ingenuity and cunning behind the helm, theirs is a battle plan of upholding the outer ring as defined in the overall plan indicated by Wash Kennex to catch hold of stragglers in the enemy fleet. They will also employ their lighter ships to levy ally ships that may become pinned down or at risk of being boarded by the enemy.

Action by Caelis

While the Valardin ships catch stragglers and help ally ships, Caelis will also keep an eye out and navigate a smaller vessel to rescue crews from any ships on the ally side that are sunk.

Action by Arn(RIP)

Arn is sending the Telmarch navy along with Princess Katarina and the Oathlands navies. He cedes full command to Katarina, Caelis, and their commanders and offers his naval forces for them to use at their discretion.

Action by Jaerith

Jaerith commands the full force of the Riverdogs under Katarina's direction. He takes all of the naval forces at Keaton's disposal and leads them at Katarina's every whim.

Action by Thorley

While unable to attend the naval action himself, Thorley has experience as an old sailor in the Westrock Reach Navy. He has been working with the Westrock Navy to make sure to provide assistance to the Princess Admirals as needed. He is providing his experience with the navigatrional waters, riggings and making sure the sailors know their way.

Action by Vano(RIP)

Vano has been put in the position of leading the small contingent of Rivenshari ships and warriors of the clan with the rest of the fleet being one of the eldest warriors left in the clan. The smaller, but nimble ships will likely used as support and blockade runners to pick off stragglers and fill any weak points where asked.


The fleet in Setarco is the best example of what happens with the Compact comes together as one. The first battle was hard, but when the Pretender-King sent reinforcements it got even worse. And yet the fleet never wavered. Never trembled - they continued together to protect the Lyceum and the Compact as a whole, and it was their unity that won the day. Even old rivalries got a chance to be set to rest, as people who normally hate each other or find themselves on opposite sides of political rivalries set all of that aside to act as one. It made the difference and, in the face of a baffling and powerful enemy, it won the day.