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Action Id: 1346 Crisis: Participants: Katarina, Preston, Marian, Aislin and Thena
Status: Resolved Submitted: Nov. 4, 2017, 5:17 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Economic Resources: 72
Military Resources: 179
Social Resources: 79
Action Points: 2

Action by Katarina

On an expedition into yet another ruin out in the Mourning Sea, Katarina and other adventurers discovered a curious compass that is marked with the teardrop and lightning bolt - a sign they've come to know to associate with the Cobalt cache weapons previously discovered. It always seems to point East, no matter her location in the city. And given the hints of the mural where it was located, and the dirge that was told to her by Ailith, she wants to find out just where it will lead.

She's got a dedicated crew and the Unsullied primed and ready to follow where it's needle leads, and so she intends to set off and follow it into the East.

Action by Aislin

Aislin is coming along on the expedition, but she's also going to study that compass. She successfully studied the matching cutlasses with the lightning and teardrop, after all, so she has hopes she might be able to see what this compass is /doing/ -- because knowing what you're sailing into /before/ you sail into it is useful. But beyond that, she'll be there to help as an occult resource -- and a seasoned explorer -- for whatever they find at the end of the journey.

Action by Thena

Thena has always felt that the compass should be /used/ instead of stuck in a locker, and she's easer to be a part of that voyage. Mostly she's muscle, and yet another Faith representative. In addition she can provide a few men and woman at arms. Her stealth may come in handy during scouting expeditions.

Action by Marian

Marian's skills are twofold: scouting on the land, and providing protection for the rest of the crew. Once they make landfall, Marian will use her skills combined with Katarina's reading of the compass to help find the mural. As a prodigal, she has lived off the land, and will be that secret weapon at the end of the journey. Now on the sea...get the girl a bucket. She's no sailor so those baddies better board the ship cause she's not going to be any help on the voyage portion of their trip.

Action by Preston

Preston will happily provide support and guardianship on the mission. He will also ensure that a few Templars are free to come with the group and can help ensure they are safe on their trip more than just Preston's sword. If the group need a boat/additional boats, he can also use his position to obtain one.


Sometimes when you chase something too hard, you find it - and it isn't quite what you thought it would be. It's actually much, much worse. (see event log for details)