Princess Gwenys Valardin
I know that look: 'She cut through the others, she must be fatigued!' Makes sense, but since their pieces are all over the walls you should ask yourself: 'Can I afford to be wrong?' Well, can you, cur? Can you really?

Description: The striking white hair is the first thing that most people notice about Gwenys, incidentally followed by sky blue eyes and the ugly scar that runs along her left cheek, branding the young woman as the victim of quite a vicious attack in the past. Gwenys is built like a wild cat, with underlying musculature that begets power and speed but that only shows in her movement, otherwise hidden beneath a sinuous frame. She has scars all over her body, suggesting a reckless and violent lifestyle.
Personality: Gwenys is a warrior in the garbings of a knight. She guards her honor and she fights evil, but any pretenses of etiquette and decorum are incidental at best with the young woman. In most other respects, one would be excused to think she is a very, very bad Princess. Gwenys is free-spirited and bold, always in motion, and can't last a full sermon of the Faith without passing out or groaning about how long the thing is. If anyone is tending to a broken arm during a family feast it will most likely be her. Uncomfortable in the halls of power, be it in Sanctum or Arx, her favorite ambiences are out in the open fields of the Oathlands, and although she may be caught wearing a dress, Gwenys is never without her sword. The more rough and tumble a situation is, the more to Gwenys' liking it becomes.
Background: Gwenys was born in a line of heroes who seldom married outside the Valardin or Wyrmguard families, at least until Prince Sherrod Redrain and Prince Radley Valardin decided to marry her parents in an effort to ease the tensions between the Oathlands and the North. A full year of courtship later and Princess Larra Redrain married Prince Lyonis Valardin. Their story of duty and, some say, even love, saw the birth of three children and ended in the Sanctum decades later with the Tragedy.
Growing up Gwenys was an hyperactive Princess who never missed a lesson from her tutors but whose dream was to be a knight, thinking more of heroics than duty in her younger years. She played the role of diplomat and unifier among her sisters, often adapting and doing what was required of her to broker peace between them. The golden days ended with the Tragedy, when Gwenys was unaccounted for weeks after the massacre, her body not found among the others. The girl returned to her family with a wicked scar on her once-unblemished face and clung to a strange blade she did not possess before.
After the Tragedy Gwenys's personality changed and she was rarely seen in the Sanctum again, seemingly possessed with wanderlust and roaming the Westlands, throwing herself headfirst into any conflict she could find, and eventually crossing the Telmarch into the North, where she spend time learning from her mother's people and assisting them with their own problems, unable to return home and unable to cope with the loss of her parents. Whenever she was spotted at a tavern or skirmish, the Valardin was immediately recognizable, but soon after the victory celebrations she was gone with the morning snow.
Her return to the fold and to Arx came only through a summon sent by Emma, enlisting Gwenys to fight in the name of Sanctum against Skal'daja. With her oath to serve being called into question, not even the pale-haired wildcat refused the mustering of troops, even if she convinced herself stay in Arx would be only temporary.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Cirroch | A wonderful sport about having soup poured over them. |
Gabriella | We seem to share a predilection for greatswords and sparring. Ought to see how far our similarities go, both in combat and in life. |
Ivy | A Princess that knows the value of camping. I must seek her out again soon. |
Jaenelle | Princess Gwenys seems to be the perfect balance of duty, honor, and levity. |
Lenard | My cousin rivals me in her wanderlust, probably even exceeds me. It's good to see her again, and I should ask her for a spar sometime soon. |
Mabelle | Made her choke on her drink laughing. That's good in my book! |
Nazmir | Not at all what I would expect when one finds out she is a Valardin Princess. A refreshing fact, I must admit. Must be the Northern blood that courses through her veins. Either way, I do look forward to further interactions with her. |
Noah | Arrogance smirk. This could lead to friendship. Or this could lead to bitter enemies. I may be less than bored with this one. Maybe. |
Savio | Friends of Raven are friends of mine! I would love to spar her sometime and I'll look for her in the arenas... she seems like a worthy opponent! |
Titus | Princesses and princes abound in Arx, but some don't seem all cut from the same cloth. Gwenys is one of those less prim princess and more like a soldier Titus would meet and fight alongside the battlefront. As there's far more enemies than the Compact can handle, perhaps the two will meet again. |
Venturo | She's a barbarian! Brave. Agile. Raucous. Breath-taking. Athletic. Rowdy. Intelligent. Against-wine. Nifty. |