Basilio Cabral
If I inconspicuously walk by that group of nobles and sneakily release a grand stink from my royal hiney, which one of them would be blamed?

Social Rank: 9
Concept: Sharp-Eyed Scallywag
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 19
Birthday: 8/10
Religion: Pantheon
Vocation: Deckhand
Height: average height
Hair Color: hickory
Eye Color: coffee brown
Skintone: suntanned amber
Description: A leanly built youth cut of swimmer's muscles and laughlines. His shoulders have been made sturdy by ropes and riggings, telling of his time spent at sea. The sun has darkened his skin with a healthy ruddiness common to those from the tropics. Evidence of a colorful childhood decorates his complexion in scars here and there but the surefootedness of his gait suggests that these have been challenges he might even look back on fondly. Hair brown like coconuts is thick on his head, as are the expressive brows over his dark eyes. The knit of his features are pleasantly proportionate and warm, simplicity being his charm. His voice is a tenor coarse with the enthusiasm of a lad nearly past his teenage years.
Personality: Anyone who knows Basilio knows that he's a summer child that hasn't quite grown up yet. His knack for finding humor and fun in the most dour and dreadful situations tends to annoy the more serious types, especially when his jokes are bad. Does he care? Not one bit. Okay, maybe a little, if a Thraxian lord threatened to mince his balls if he slugged out any more puns. While his free-spirited attitude can barely keep him still enough to read a book, he enjoys learning new things but prefers to learn them on the job. He is most often tempted to experiment on people, whether they realize it or not. On days when people don't interest him, he is happy enough being alone and satiating his curiosity with dives, collecting trinkets and memorabilia that have been forgotten beneath the waves.
Background: Basilio or "Basi", as his crewmates call him for shorter name convenience, is not one with much to be recorded in the annals of history. Hailing from the Saffron Chain, grown up around Darkwater docks, he had neither memory nor keepsake of either of his biological parents as he was thrust into this world of salt, sea, and scoundrels. He was taken in and raised by a crusty old cook who lived in the company of the tropics' Lower natives and worked on a Thraxian ship. While occasionally a pilferer when the need or urge arises, Basilio thrives more when able to jump from one odd job to the next. As such, he has garnered a bit of a reputation back home as "that boy who can probably do the thing". His foster father managed to squirrel him into some more stable employ on the same sailing vessel as a rigger. The ship has recently docked in Arx but, unfortunately, some political issues surrounding their current Captain and Quartermaster have left the crew in shambles and Basilio without a job (because good cooks are always in demand).
Name | Summary |
Ophne | A man with more confidence than ought be allowed. A perfectly lovely soak in The Grotto ruined by his horrible humour. |
Rukhnis | I am not sure if he has the worst timing in the world or the best. Either way, he should just go home and forget about all of this, and that he ever saw us. |
Vittorio | A man of an honourable trade who gets excited about free drinks as I do. I approve |
Wulfrum | This little rat might prove to be worth its feed. We'll see how he contends with the dimples. |
Zoey | A young man unsure of himself, but with manners and dreams his opportunities are numerous. |