Sister Abby Laurent
Sometimes a smile is the best answer you've got.

Social Rank: 7
Concept: Wholesome Weirdo
Gender: female
Marital Status: married
Age: 23
Birthday: 1/29
Religion: Pantheon (Death)
Vocation: Priest
Height: average height
Hair Color: brunette
Eye Color: brown
Skintone: light
Description: Being of a slim build, Abby carries herself with the grace of her noble upbringing. Bright brown eyes are often relaxed, combined with a cheerful smile that marks her youthful features. Her brunette locks hang just down to her shoulders and are often parted to her right side. She favors the casual dress over anything that might compare to the excess of the peerage or the riches of the Church. Her voice carries softly, with hints of an Oathlander accent shining through each word.
Personality: Exhuberant without being overbearing and at times imaginative to a fault. Abby surrounds herself with a surprising amount of energy and light for someone who worships a Goddess of death. Rarely is she without a smile or a curiosity to her gaze, which paired well with her attentive mind. She is empathetic and open, always one to lend an ear to troubles or a soft voice toward comfort. It serves her exceptionally well in her practices with funerary rites and working alongside the mourning.
Background: Born into the ducal line of House Laurent, Abby had been pegged as something of an 'odd duck' from her early childhood. With so many siblings ahead of her, the threat of inheritance was almost moot. Allowing her the luxury of living a comfortable life, albeit an uneventful one. She'd most commonly spent her time around the chapels, becoming a regular thorn in the side of Artshall's clergy. Bombarding them with questions or asking to assist in every little task well into her teenage life. It came as no surprise when she set on the path to be Godsworn the moment she'd come of age.
It'd be a few years before she found a proper discipleship to settle into. With the addition of the Queen of Endings to the Pantheon and the creation of the Harlequins, Abby directed her passion toward reverence of the Goddess of Death. Her attitude made a very stark contrast to her macabre interests. Strangely, the skulls seemed to suit her. Bit more than the bees did, anyway.
Name | Summary |
Anisha | Another godsworn Laurent, inspired by darling Legate Cassandra. Cute companion spider, clear dedication to her calling, and a source of esoteric and spiritual conversation. I do want to visit her shrine, and see her at work. And perhaps we'll find we have other things in common as well. |
Damiana | She's driven to find herself in a very confusing and often chaotic world. Sharing a moment with any godsworn brings us closer to the gods, and Damiana is looking forward to meeting baby spiders. |
Esme | I like her. Even if she tried to murderize my family with bees? I think that's what she was getting at. Bees.. Maybe? Anyways we are sure to be the best of friends. |
Laurel | Energetic and seemingly happy with jests to be had one must appreciate the smiles that come when visiting the Queen of Endings. The Sister has them in spades. |
Mabelle | A Laurent infatuated with death. She is so energetic. Its a bit conflicting yet amusing at the same time. |
Ras | Saw her in Death's shrine. A godsworn I guess. Acts less uptight than most of em though. |
Svana | I know many Harlequins but this is perhaps the first time I've gotten to speak to one in-depth, even if just for a few moments, about the Queen. I will call on her again to pet spiders and talk to her. |