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Action Id: 3017 Crisis: Participants: Aleksei, Holden and Warrick
Status: Resolved Submitted: July 31, 2019, 9:58 p.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Aleksei

The Morgan brothers are going /hunting/. For mysterious redheads who may or may not be dragons. That is: Relavor.

It all starts with a letter, sent off into the world with Aleksei's usual sort of habitual reliance on luck. He writes it out, shares it with his siblings in Arx, and sends it off:

"Lord/Goodman/Sir/I'm-Not-Sure Relavor,

Hello! I hope this letter finds you safe and well and not murdered by people who don't like you. My name is Aleksei Morgan, and I'm also writing on behalf of my brothers, Holden and Warrick Morgan, and my sister, Briseis Morgan. We understand that our family might have a particular sort of history that maybe you've been particularly interested in it over the years. We'd be really keen to meet you sometime if you'd be interested. I promise not to let Warrick bake for you. (That's a favor, trust me.) I'm really friendly and entertaining or if you like super Morgan-y Morgans then Holden is really that. Like if you prefer somber conversations about duty and stuff. Either way we've got you covered! Also Holden and I _both_ have really nice dogs that everyone likes.

Sorry in advance if this letter isn't formal or stuffy enough. I'm the one writing only because I've got the best luck at sending letters to random powerful beings and actually have them make it to wherever they are somehow. I'm just lucky.

I should have had Holden write this.

Very sincerely and Morgan-y,

Aleksei Morgan

If you are not impressed by titles please stop reading

If you are impressed by titles: Paladin of Freedom, The First Liberator, and former Archlector of Skald"

And then the Morgan brothers -- Aleksei, Holden, and Warrick -- take a trip to the Oathlands. They are going to be very /careful/ about this. They know that Cardia takes an interest in those who are interested in Relavor. So they talk about him more in terms of the sort of folk tales that go around, as if they're just traveling through and looking for idle chatter at the inn. Well, that's how Aleksei plays it, in any case: he's got that easy charm, after all. They work their way through the Oathlands, trying to see if there are any areas where stories might be more populous. To see if volume of chatter might help direct them to the right area. Eventually, they have to find him, right? And then maybe they can talk to him about -- well. "What's the deal with our family," for starters.

Action by Holden

Holden is not a scholar familiar with folklore. Holden is not an investigator skilled at tracking down those who don't want to be found. Holden is not unusually lucky. What Holden /is/, however, is extremely persistent; if it will help the Morgan family as a whole, Holden is quite capable of spending days on end poking at local folklore until references to Relavor fall out.

And that's what he'll do. He'll be polite and friendly, and help organize the local militia, or find other ways that he can help things run more efficiently. He'll show children who dream of being knights how to wield a weapon. He'll assist the locals with whatever he can. He will, in short, lead by example by doing what comes naturally: being an Oathlands knight.

And when the locals are feeling well-disposed to him, he'll relax by listening to the local folklore. After all, it's always good to collect tales he can share with his nephew. (Ones which don't involve giant spiders, preferably, as those seem to unsettle Aleksei somewhat.)

Action by Warrick

Warrick does his best to make sure his inclination towards misfortune is kept clear of Aleksei and Holden's efforts. If either of them find a decent lead, he... shuffles off to be useful elsewhere. But if ever Holden needs a bad guy to slay while he's demonstrating knighthood to children, Warrick plays the part. And if Aleksei needs anyone go fetch something! Or hold a hat! He's there.

Warrick will try to strike up conversations with locals tucked away in the darker corners of the Oathlands. He'll tap on guardsman experience to keep his tone easy and open, guiding topics to the local stories and folklore.


He's pretty hard to track down. In fact, at first it seems that their months-long search will be fruitless.

They travel all over the Oathlands, and surprisingly there's actually a lot of redheaded cripples that act weird out of more than a million people, so there's a number of false leads about Old Redhead Jim, Francois the Limpy, a fellow that actually was inspired by Relavor named Realvor who dyed his hair red and broke his own leg (a little more sad than funny unfortunately), and numerous others.

Eventually though, Aleksei and his siblings find a letter waiting on top of the bed at the Questionable Stop Inn, with the letter addressed to 'House Morgan'.

"Dear House Morgan,

It's been a while! Thank you for interest. At this time, I've been avoiding entertaining guests since there's a very large number of individuals in Arx who want me dead, and I would vastly prefer not being dead, so I thought it wise to steer clear of the city. I have sought the hospitality of a house that has some great amount of experience in taking care of individuals like myself, as they had a pretty good track record for the last thousand years. They seem reliable, give or take a few alarming breaches.

As such, I'll meet with two conditions. One, you convince my hosts at House Dragonsentinel or whatever it translates to in Arvani that you mean me no harm, and two, you bring someone who was close to me during the time of the Reckoning. She is a charming knight these days. Her name sounds like Wee-dah or something, not sure how you spell it. Arvani is weird.

Warm regards,