Lady Lierre Keaton
Hm? Oh, I'm sorry! Could you say that again?

Description: Lierre is a pretty young woman, her face sweetly rounded and her figure slenderly curved. Hers is a winsome wholesomeness; a light scattering of freckles adorn her nose and cheeks, and well-hidden beneath her feminine frame is a lithe, healthy strength that augments her excellent posture. Her appearance is otherwise mutable. Her flawless olive complexion shifts between fair and gilded under the touch of the sun, or the lack thereof. The light in her dark, doe-like eyes flits from amiable sedation to sharp lucidity. Velvety sable tresses may be worn in neat courtly styles one day, and then the next they might tumble down her back in an unruly cascade of wood-nymph locks.
Personality: Devoted to family, fealty, and faith above all other things, Lierre was once lauded as a paragon example of gracious Oathlands nobility. However, in the wake of troubling revelations and traumatic events, she's not quite the same poised young woman as before. These days she often finds herself wandering in the forgetful fog of a pleasant absent-mindedness, but her moods can fluctuate unexpectedly in an unsettling fashion. She has more or less retained her social acumen, but it is no longer her constant companion.
Background: Daughter of Talissa Keaton and sister to Rane Keaton, Lierre was raised in an estate near to the forests of Oakhaven. From the moment she could walk, she grew to love the woodlands of her home. Always hungry for knowledge, she learned the names of the flora and fauna within these sylvan realms, as well as a scattering of survival skills taught to her by the woodsmen who were employed by her family. Her parents allowed her the freedom to roam the woods (within reason) as long as she behaved herself. Luckily, Lierre was a dutiful and obedient daughter, not at all hard to raise.
The time came, following her sixteenth birthday, when she was expected to prepare herself for the responsibilities of adulthood and for the future business of securing a suitable marriage. Unlike her beloved brother, Lierre showed no aptitude or enthusiasm for martial training, and so instead of taking up the sword, she attended an academy in Sanctum where she would be taught social graces befitting a young noblewoman. Intent on impressing her parents and bringing prestige to her family, Lierre took her education very seriously, faring rather well in her studies as a result of her efforts.
Having concluded her time at the academy, Lierre left Sanctum, then spent a few years as a guest in noble estates across the Oathlands, moving from here to there to observe the political workings of the high-born. She then came to Arx to stay with the Marquis and Marquessa Keaton, hoping to learn from them the ways of domain management. For a time all was well, but as months passed by, Lierre was increasingly perturbed by the learning of sinister secrets and unknown powers.
The unexpected and horrific murder of her brother and his wife, Baroness Katherine Moore, pushed Lierre into a mental breakdown that manifested itself in a state of prolonged amnesia and nonverbal fugue. Many months passed, but with much care from her mother, Lierre seemingly recovered her ailments -- more or less, at least. Rightly or wrongly, Talissa Keaton now believes her daughter has returned to her old self, and so it is that Lierre has returned to Arx once more to rejoin society at her mother's request.
Relationship Summary
Name | Summary |
Drake | Encountered the Lady Keaton at a big dinner. She seems a thoughtful sort, perhaps a bit reserved, or maybe I just caught her in a pensive mood. |
Porter | A dutiful Oathlander that's come to assist the Faith in their clean up and restoration efforts. We're thankful for her contributions and for the time that she's putting in to the work we're doing. |
Reigna | She is so sweet and so... sheltered. Her heart is as big as the sky. I am thrilled to have her here in Arx, it will be lovely to watch this Keaton rose bloom. |
Sydney | A woman with a keen eye and an easy temperament - and I'm quite certain that she looks marvelous when bedecked in the color white. Perhaps Aeterna would suit her as well as snow. |
Thea | She smiles easily and I think smarter than what someone would give her credit for. Which may benefit her in the long run really. |