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Proclamation of the Faith

Posted by Orazio on 01/30/17
To the Compact and the Faithful:

We mourn, with you, the untimely and unjust death of the Grand Duchess of the Lyceum, Princess Esera Velenosa. In response to the circumstances of that tragic death I, as Legate of Concepts and overseer of the priesthoods of Gild, Limerance, and the Sentinel, do call a Convocation of the Faith to address the Most Holy Dominus' role in this tragedy. I do this with a heavy heart, but it is my duty to the Faith, and more my duty to the Gods we all serve, to ensure that the one given the title Closest to the Gods embodies those words. A Convocation requires the agreement of a majority of Legates and Archlectors, and so I humbly ask the High Lords and Crown to give the Faith time to gather such agreement, assemble, and decide whether the Dominus Fawkuhl is, indeed, the best suited to represent the Gods to the Compact going forward. Once such a determination has been made, we will work with the High Lords to ensure that justice is done, swiftly and without bias or favor.

In the meantime, please remember that the grounds of the Faith are under Sanctuary, and are not to be violated. The Iron Guard is welcome to remain outside the Rectory as we begin our deliberations. Likewise, should the Dominus Fawkuhl choose to leave the Sanctuary of the Faith, the Iron Guard's jurisdiction is clear. Witnesses to the confrontation on the bridge are invited to come forward with written depositions which we might use in our deliberations. Because of the gravity of this matter, the Crown may also appoint one observer who, under the rite of Sanctuary, may attend and witness this most sacred of obligations.

By my hand and authority, in deep sorrow,

Father Orazio, Legate of Concepts, Shield of the Faith