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The Treason of a Dominus

Posted by Dawn on 01/17/17
On this 8th day of the 9th month in the 1005th year after the Reckoning,

I repeat for all to hear the acts of treason committed by Dominus Fawkuhl against Crown and Compact.

In the summer of 1004, the Dominus made repeated requests to me that he be given the sleeping body of his Majesty, King Alaric IV, into his keeping. When I, as Voice of Grayson, and the only surviving immediate relative of his Majesty, refused these multiple requests, he then made a public demand in which he prevailed on misguided members of the Faith to assist him and argued that the body of his Majesty should be kept by the Faith. To aid this demand, the Dominus made a great lie: he claimed my brother reacted to Fawkuhl's presence and prayers.

There were no witnesses to this. In fact, the Dominus had been barred from being alone with King Alaric, by my orders, and could not have had the interview he claimed in which my brother reacted so. The Dominus of the Faith spoke a lie in his attempt to secure the body and the power of the Crown.

And now he has excommunicated all those I warned about his ambitions, saved for the other members of the Faith I tried to speak to about his actions.

They said to me, surely his actions meant nothing. Surely he meant no treason.

And now this.

I find I do not care what people think of me any longer. I was a bastard and words cut but did not kill me. I went to die and die not die. That is a greater risk than telling the people this:

The Dominus is a grasping, ambitious man who has sought to secure the King for himself, that he might make a puppet of my brother. When he failed in that he bided his time while every person I warned ignored my warnings. And now we come to this. He has made his move.

I call on you all to witness his treason. His repeated attempts to grasp for power. I call on the gods to strike me down if my words are false.

I call on the people, protect my brother, protect our true faith, and do not let one grasping, ambitious, venal man abuse our beliefs to manipulate us for his own ends.

By my own hand,
Princess Dawn Grayson
Sister of King Alaric IV
Daughter of King Alaric III
Defender of the Sleeping King