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Episode: Premonitions

Posted by Story on 03/12/17
You dream. Whether you are waking or sleeping, you dream.

It begins in the dark of night. The forest presses in, all around, as anyone who has ever been lost in its boughs secretly fears it will - identical walls of wood and bladed leaf, everywhere the eye can see. The shadows are thick and oppressive. Like living, breathing, hungry things that are still and waiting. They don't have to wait long.

What was a quiet vision of a dusky forest is suddenly reverberating with the crack and crash of trees being destroyed in the path of something. The bark is lifted from those trees, torn from them piece by piece, to spin in slow revolutions around each bough; their branches follow, and their leaves after. They are stripped bare, pulled apart. They hit the ground, and then are gone. The grass is ripped from the earth, and then it is gone, too.

This pulse of destruction crashes out in every direction, beyond the forest -- what forest? -- and beyond the ocean -- what ocean? Standing upon the high walls of Arx, you see that there is no forest. There is no ocean. There is nothing at all. The walls are taken apart, stone by stone, devoured. Standing there, you are devoured too. Disassembled, with surgical precision, bone by bone, muscle by muscle. You feel yourself fly apart, undone. You are transformed into oblivion.

But there is no relief in this oblivion for you, no end to the horror - because you are not truly there. You are a silent, powerless observer to this: the end of everything.

You hear a voice: "You have seen what almost was. You have felt it. Your princess stopped it once before, saved the world once before. But it has found another way. It comes for you all now. It comes for Me. Oblivion spares no one."