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Spreading Silence

Story Emits

The Society of Explorers has been sending scouting parties out into the Gray Forest, at the behest of the Ministry of Defense. As the reports trickle back, the news is grim; the Gray Forest north of Arx is dying, and the creatures -- the Bringers of Silence -- and their shav minions are gathering in increasing numbers. Hundreds, even thousands, drawing near to the place known as the Night's Grove, the home of the Nox'alfar.

Now one scouting party -- Lord Killian Ashford, Princess Serafine Velanosa, Prince Ainsley Grayson, Leta Broadbent, and Gian Fuller -- returns with the sobering news that not only is the forest blighted in Ashford lands to the south as well, but they encountered a Bringer and its minions there. Though they emerged victorious, if injured, the news they bring back has grim implications for the Crownlands... and for Arx itself.