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Post Season 1 Intermission

Story Emits

During the Siege, Mistress Leola Allentore was often present in many places, working hard to support any number of initiatives with a small army of extremely well-trained animals. Each time, she reminded people that while they all helped freely, that one day she would call for help and would expect to be answered. And so it is that a small group of people leave the city to head north to a small stand where once a Grove of Petrichor flourished - and since the Silence has been gray and dangerous. The stories agree in the main - all of them mention Mistress Leola, Princess Sophie, Father Orazio, Sir Preston, Dame Alexis, and Mistress Thena, called to assist. But the details are all so strange and differ wildly, and all thoroughly unbelievable - Princess Sophie, talking to a small squirrel doll clutched carefully in one hand, Dame Alexis, muttering about incomplete briefings, even the completely ridiculous tale of a stoat riding a lioness. But possibly the least believable detail is one report that has Father Orazio briefly smiling on the way back into the city. In any case, the group is bloodied and battered and dirty, but strangely at peace.
Prince Edain Valardin and his advisory council, Princess Alis Valardin and Count Athaur Rivenshari, gave a hearing to Abellus Iron Foot and Kanean Iron Foot who were charged with trying to incite a riot to break the cease fire between Oathland Shavs and House Valardin, and conspiracy to depose the current chief of the Iron Foot Abandoned tribe. They were found innocent of charges, having been decieved by their father, Tuscak Iron Foot. Statements were taken from Serad Iron Foot, now squire to Prince Edain, to confirm their stories. They were given an opportunity to join House Rivenshari, and gave their fealty by bended knee to Count Athaur Rivenshari.

Rumors fly that there as an attempt made on Prince Edain Valardin, Princess Alis Valardin and Princess Alarissa Valardin by assassins at the hearing. Prince Fergus Redrain and Prince Fiachra Valardin are said to have stopped the attempts with the help of Duke Cristoph Laurent, Lord Gaston Blackram and Lady Eirlys Greenmarch. Princess Alarissa had to be taken to the House of Solace under Princess Sophie's care. Prince Edain Valardin has been seeing to her recovery personally. Bodies of a guard and household servant are said to have been found in the wine cellar with a tampered wine barrel. A commoner was taken under custody and now sits in the dungeon awaiting execution. Abellus Iron Foot and Kanean Iron Foot claim they had nothing to do with these events.

Three scions of Thrax - High Lord Victus, Lady Titania Kennex, and Master Edward Redreef - left the city one day. Rumors had them meeting Mistress Leola Allentore on the road heading down to the shore. When they returned, they looked - slightly worse for the wear, a bit bloody, a little bedraggled, and not long after arriving home, there is a new question circulating among the thralls of Thrax - why does High Lord Victus keep muttering about otters?