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Thraxian Interlude

Story Emits

The people take note of Victus' first actions once he assumes power. There's some approval for the strides made towards equality, largely thanks to Donella's even-keeled and authoritative diplomatic efforts. After all, she was voice even to Donrai and is a constant in a time of uncertainty and alarm. In fact, there's so much approval for her efforts, outside of Thrax, that people are asking the question that seems so simple to them: If women are now able to inherit, why doesn't Victus step aside and let Donella be High Lord? She's certainly more experienced with the burdens of political leadership.

Yet some cooler heads do mitigate. Voice of Grayson, Prince Barric, speaks of change, and how it can't be accomplished overnight. He assures the people that he, and Gabriel Bisland, and High Lord Lark have the situation well in hand, and that things will progress as they can. This is an easy sell - after all, if Thraxians get ideas about succession outside their own bloodthirsty tides, Lark will bring them to heel with her own understated brand of authority and intimidation. No pressure!

Yet, the relationship between Thrax and the Crownlands has never been warm, and Donella and Victus' efforts are undermined when word reaches the rest of the Compact that Abbas Thrax has been personally flaying any in the mourning isles who speak against Victus' ascension. This is a brutal tactic that does not win him support with his people, or those of the Compact at large. There are some who refer to him, scornfully, as 'The Bastard's Butcher'.

Darren, Edain, Lydia, Hadrian, Michael, Cara, Juliet, and Laric all take their turns reassuring their people and those who will listen of various things. Some focus on reassurance that no dastardly acts of succession will be tolerated among their banners, some focus on the impending siege and the importance of unity - some are smart, slick inquisitors no one wants to argue with. Tikva, Owain, and Tristan help turn the conversation among the Commons, and Calliope and Jasher make efforts to stabilize tempers in Thrax, itself.

Samantha Deepwood is a key figure in this as well, with her humanitarian efforts well known in public, and her overtures, she is impressing the merit-focused people of Grayson and the Crownlands. Nobility isn't just in the blood, they say. Carefully.

All in all, this crisis fades away before the looming threat of Tolemar Brand and the shavs and alleged 'creatures' he has brought to Arx. It seems Victus Thrax will have the chance to show his mettle as a High Lord of the Compact.