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Past Actions

Action by Athaur

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 13, 2020, 12:13 a.m.)

For as long as they have been part of the Compact the Rivenshari has had one goal, one dream. To raise from their humble origins as a County to that of a March. They have spent time helping their fealty and working on expanding their own lands and people. Athaur intends to get that final push to grow, especially with the current state of Prodigal and Shav feelings. Their lands have had refugees moving in so he will speak with them. He understands their difficulties with the Compact and the people who are part of it. He used to feel the same. But the world is changing. Dangers are growing and the Shav tribes can not stand on their own any longer. Even all united together it would be a difficult fight to throw off the yoke of the Compact rule. Better to try and change things for the better from within the system. He will accept them with open arms. They will be able to keep their cultural differences should they so choose and he will share with them the ways that his clan was able to thrive in an alliance with the Compact. Yes, many of the members are ignornat and short sighted. But we can persevere against them.

Of course it will also require more buildings. The Rivenshari are not used to have permanent buildings set up. But things change and now they must do so. With the increase in population, people will need homes to live in and places to work. He will oversee the construction in Riva to actually bring the settlement up to a decent sized town.

Eshra of course will build their military but where the people are concerned she has other plans. She will walk among them answer questions on life within the Compact. She will tell them the truth, it is not easy. There are those that will look at them and still see them as shav but there is surprises too. There are those that want to see them succeed, want to see them grow and their families thrive. She will tell them how their children will have opportunities that they themselves never had. That there are paths they never considered that can be trod. But most important, she will remind them.. this is their choice. That no one here will force them or allow them to be forced into that choice. If they do not wish it, the Rivenshari will help them to find a new home where they can live their lives as they choose.

Maru will set to helping the people who choose to settle at Riva integrate into the Compact smoothly. Using his decades of experience and expertise at teaching, he'll help them learn about all the ways that prodigals can live within the Compact without giving up what makes them them.

As the Countess Consort of Riva, Joslyn feels responsible for bridging the gap between the prodigal house and the rest of the compact. As a Tor Born woman, she dresses in her familiar southern styles, but respectfully adorns herself with the Rivenshari bells, always showing the proper reverence for the traditions of her husband's people. Joslyn, for her part, spends much of her efforts reaching out to the soldiers, and displaying to them her own brand of military strategy and drills, showing them the strategies of the compact, drilling all of her units in these methods, while also learning from her commanders the ways of the Ravashari, and making sure that everything she does keeps their own past and spirit alive. This is all as a symbol that she stands beside them as a people and that the lands of Riva truly belong among the compact, and that through unity, they grow stronger.

Recently returned to Arx, Petra has come to help her family in its goals. For her part, she will be doing her best to aid in diplomatic efforts, reaching out to the shavs who are reluctant to join the Compact. She will seek to empathize with them, and gain their trust and confidence by sharing her own experiences of loss, and how the Rivenshari are stronger now for being a part of the Compact.

Vano has spent most of the last year in Riva and has some knowledge as a shaman for the people, so will attempt to use this to inspire his fellow Rivenshari that we need to move forward, that there are too many threats in the present and our past is behind us - we do not forget, but we do not live there any more. If we do not really JOIN the Compact rather than just get dragged along, then we will lose our voice and control of our own destiny, and THAT idea should strike home with most. Athaur's plan to settle and build is good and deserves every effort we can give it.

Having been in Arx for a while now, and having a fair number of contacts across the oathlands from her time as a travelling trade. Tatienne is helping by calling in contacts and negotiating prices to get good discounts on building materials and labour, doing her part to make the resources of her clan stretch as far as she can make them.

Times are changing and Riva must change as well. Buildings are erected, farms are expanded and lumber groves and mines are worked. Athaur’s words of welcome, boosted by Vano’s persuasive arguments and Petra’s empathy, reinforce the trust that those who come and bend knee will still be able to hold onto individual traditions and customs, while adhering to the Faith of the Pantheon and adapting enough to be tolerated within the Compact.

Joslyn’s efforts to blend her fighting tactics with that of the Riva people earns more than a few approving nods, as does her wearing of the bells. Through her working of the market and connections in the area, Tatienne is able to ensure the maximum amount of growth per silver spent.

Action by Agostino

(Public Action, OOC Date: July 22, 2019, 2:14 p.m.)

Agostino will be setting off for Southport, heading up a joint mission between the Mirrorguard and house Malvici to root out Shadowspeakers in that city. For his part, he is going to leave apprehension to others involved who are better with military tactics. Specifically, he would want that part handled by one of his liaisons with house Malvici, so that the proper authorities are taking care of it. Any Mirrorguard involved in that aspect of the mission would be strictly in support of house Malvici, and under their command. Primarily, Agostino is here, himself, to assist with locating these cultists. To that end, he hits the streets of the city, visiting the shadiest bars, dealing with backalley "merchants" and the like, asking subtly about strange disappearances or other odd cult-like happenings in the city. Anything he uncovers about this will be passed on to Thea and Calypso, as the Duchess and Quenia agreed. He will also be coordinating with Vitalis, who is running a similar action (3541) outside the walls of Southport, so that he can catch anyone they flush out of the city, and so that Agostino's team can catch anyone they chase into the city. Finally, on advice from Harlex, he will advise those involved with this investigation to obtain mirrored surfaces that they can easily carry, and to subtly use them to look at their surroundings freqently in case of attack by Shadow Hunters.

Lady Thea Malvici will be working as the leader of a small, stealth force to quietly apprehend any identified Shadowspeakers that are fished out by Agostino as part of his action. Thea will be under disguise, wearing plain clothes when conducting this along with the rest of her team. They will be quietly patrolling, moving and constantly on alert to hook anyone in for arrest and placing them in the Southport prison for further questioning. All will be carrying some sort of mirror-surfaced object
Should anyone be injured during this, Thea will be applying her medical knowledge and experience to drag them out of the line and to patch them out so they can get on to the medical bays in Southport. Then it is back to the task and leading her team.

Acting in a strictly advisory capacity, Pasquale will be on hand to provide advice on occult and tactical problems.

Mirella knows the way of cities -- in her childhood she was a thieving little urchin running around the less salubrious of Caina's streets, often working for nefarious characters as a spy and sneak. From these past days in her life she learned the kind of places where shady people might go to escape notice and harm, and who might know where to find them. She'll carefully blend into the the populace of Southport, she'll ask the right questions of the right people, put silver into their palms if needed to buy their information and silence. The markets and the taverns high and low will be haunted so she can eavesdrop with utmost caution, and any mention of the cultists or the Shadow Hunters will be reported to Agostino and Thea.

She'll also be sure to include unobtrusively reflective and mirror-like details in her clothing, her jewelry and her diamondplate dagger, all the better to help her perceive spies and ambushes of a demonic nature. 200000 silver is put in the pot to aid her investigations, as well as 200 social resources.

Joslyn has had a personal stake in this trip since the very beginning. She'll be taking along with her, her handmaiden Leporis (whom has personal knowledge relating to the cultists). She'll begin poring over every bit of the city, following Leporis' lead to locate cultists, and using a small retinue of guards she's brought with her to apprehend and bring them to the Southport prison along with Thea. She will be looking in particular for the First Speaker, the one responsible for her mother's death.

Ras has been advised by Pasquale on how best to prepare for the mission, and been provided with a pair of secretive mirror bracers that contain a way to hide his knife. He doesn't have to dress down to blend in with the Southport rabble, and he's practiced at 'overhearing' things as well as sneaking around where he shouldn't be. He will correspond with Unseen Agostino and follow his lead on the investigation. If he hears or sees anything suspicious on his own, he'll follow it up until he can make sure that it's a real lead on the Shadowspeakers, and then report to Unseen Agostino. He's also got another mirroring object, and thrown in wholeheartedly, including his savings and any underworld connections he might have in the area.

They all go into the mission looking to find and arrest cultists because cultists are terrible, right? These people, while controlled by a dark force, acted out that force's will. People have been hurt. People have died. It's a gruesome, terrible thing. The preparations are made. Mirrored jewelry distributed to detect Abyssal workings. Weapons sharpened. Let's do this!

Except, it all turns out to be so much more complex than expected. Information is difficult to come by. Maybe the cultists are being more discreet (that would be new!) or maybe the informants within the city are slacking on the job (that wouldn't be new) but it's not as if the group stumbles across a group of cultists in the streets doing cultish things. Yet, slowly but surely, stories start to filter in.

A guard reports that he broke up a fight on the east side of Southport, in one of the seedier bars, after two men were found brutally beating each other. There were both dressed in black leather and looking a bit creepy, but that's the basic description for many of the sellswords in the Lyceum, so that wasn't terribly interesting news. The interesting information came in what they were shouting at each other between bloodied lips and broken teeth.

"He's coming back for us! You fools think he won't notice! He didn't let us go. He'll never let us go. The sooner you and that old wretch in Lenosia learn that, the better!" was heard before fist met teeth and conversation was lost. The guard that filed the report was an earnest sort, too idealistic and new at the job to take bribes to make sure that reports like this disappear. Most tavern owners don't particularly like the publicity of guards hanging around.

In the market, two gossiping shopkeepers, talking about the presence of the new-ish Prodigals just outside of Lenosia, were interrupted mid-speculation by a woman who snarled, "We were promised our freedom. That dead Archduchess -promised- us!" Then, she stalked off without buying a thing. So rude.

So, they don't get enemies to fight. They get stories that start to paint a picture of promises made and not kept, of desperate people looking to save themselves from what they believe to be a grim fate. When did fighting cultists get so damned complicated?

Action by Bliss for Bliss, Everard, Vowkeeper and the White Stewards

(Public Action, OOC Date: Sept. 8, 2018, 9:47 p.m.)

It may be a surprise to many, but the name 'Bliss' is one that seems to have a rather storied history within the Telmarch. Many knights, duelists, and nobles seem to know of the storm of a woman who went through this famously stodgy area years ago, and there might even be a famous story or two associated with her.

With all that, it seems like she is ready to go back to the Telmarch once more and relive some of her past. Hosting a proper festival, she is going to be providing basic arms and armor for any who wish to participate, with a grand tournament among the duelists happening over multiple days. A chance to fight the Champions and prove your name - and earn some silver on the side!

Past that, the woman loves performances, and there will be stage shows, bards - perhaps even some from the College? - and grand obstacles in the duels the further into the bracket they go. Many of her own duels have featured props, after all, and crowds seem to love them.

The finale of the show? The winner of the tournament will perform a proper Rite to Gloria with Bliss herself (who is not participating in the tournament) as a proper show of respect to the Faith in this very orthodox region.

But who says you can't have fun doing all that?

Invited along on the trip by Bliss, the new prospect Capri de Lire comes along to do exactly what one might expect of him: to fight. He's there to perform, to out-show everyone else, and to win. He's after the chance to impress the audience and gain prestige, as well as perform the Rite to Gloria with Bliss.

He's the Peerless of the Champions' Guild. Of course he knows how to put on a show. Are you not entertained? Of course you are. Look at your Champion. Now look at me. Now back to your Champion. If you had a proper contract with the Champions Guild, he'd look like me. Oh yes, and Bliss of course. Isn't she great? Now, let's talk more about me.

Joining those present, Ezekiel will play songs during the various tournaments. He will also tell tales of the various participants and expound upon the virtues of the victors.

Estelle was asked to join and happily accepted the chance to return closer to home. More helpfully, the Mercy will be on hand to attend to the various forms of wounds that can arise over the course of physical competition and fighting to, well, wound.

Joslyn will of course attend such an event, with a grand tourney to prove her worth in the heat of battle against her fellow champions. She'll fight with all her strength, as competetive as always, hoping to lead herself to ultimate victory, looking forward to performing her own rite of Gloria with Bliss.

Bliss' request to Gianna was pretty simple: was she interested in performing? Yes, please. Gianna is almost always interested in performing, and that means singing, and she's very good at singing. She will perhaps sing some inspiring anthem to open the event. Are there medieval half-time shows? Because half-time shows. She has also mentioned this project to the other Bards to see if they'll bite. Maybe some NPC bards come along.

Navi shall attend such an auspicious event -- if nothing else, such should be an experience in regions she's not yet seen with people she's not yet met. Of course, glory always awaits, but her expectations remain reined in just now. She intends to duel, to display her prowess as a Champion, and offer comradery to those seeking the same.

Mikani will attend the event. She will join the tourney for practicing her talents and working on her showmanship. She intends to get to know her fellow champions better.

Wearing the favor of Princess Isidora Valardin, Fecundo will enter the tournament to try an make a name for himself, among the Champions and perhaps outside of Arx.

The Champions are going to the Oathlands. Specifically the Telmarch - and the Tournament is being billed as "Tourney in the Telmarch" and led by none other than Champion Bliss Whisper.

This is a complicated moment for the Telmarch. On the one hand, Bliss Whisper has been very public about her feud with House Telmar. And many believe she is justified in her grievances, and are looking for Duke Arn to come up with a solution and quickly. The Oathlands as a whole are not only devout, but hold honor as their watchword, and many believe that it is on Duke Arn to give her the sword - after all, honor before all things is a main tenet in the Oathlands. But giving up the Sword is also unconscionable, so the more pragmatic among them understand his reluctance to do so. And so as the Champions come to Telmar, they turn their attention to Bliss to see what she is really up to.

The tournament itself is everything they could hope for. She provides arms and armor to any who want to have a moment in the sun to fight one of the renowned Champions. She brings with her the ever-popular Nightingale, Gianna Whisper, and a Mercy of her own - Estelle, She has invited a veritable bevy of who's who among the Champions too - Fecundo, Mikani, Navi, Joslyn, Ezekiel, Capri - even Peerless Beaumont shows up. Which lends a little weight to Bliss Whisper, having a son of Valardin backing her up in this.

And the show goes off without a hitch. It's truly interesting and fun for all concerned. And at the end, the winner challenges Bliss in a Rite of Gloria - and the faithful among the Valardin come away from that quite troubled. She seems devout, and accusations of selfishness pale in comparison to this devout woman who is fierce and filled with righteousness.

Even as they applaud the Tourney in the Telmar, they're now starting to put a little more pressure on Arn and Ansel to resolve things honorably and soon.

Action by Thesarin

(Public Action, OOC Date: April 22, 2018, 11:12 p.m.)

Thesarin is leading war patrols into the Grey Forest, under the auspices of Princess Reese, in response to the reports of the Horned God and his creatures moving in the Forest and edging toward the Lodge of Petrichor. He'll be working with the information from Emily and Shard's souting patrols to hunt down monsters and writ-bound Abandoned, to meet any threats on the move with steel and fury.

Harlan will be accompanying the war patrol, Stormwall ready, keeping an eye out for any trouble be it demonic bunnies, writ-bound Abandoned or anything else. He'll be near the back, the better to use his bow and to keep an eye out behind. Also, if the opportunity presents himself and he's allowed to, he's going to gather things to help Olivia (see action 1989) from any demonic bunnies or other appropriate items. He won't disobey orders to get it, though.

Accompanying the war patrol with Thesarin, Joslyn will be taking her best weapons and armor. She'll be keeping her eyes open for anything throughout the mission, and is mostly there as muscle in case things go south, ready to meet any threats with her steel, following Thesarin's orders.

Luca's going to be joining the patrol with his best leather armor and at least a few of his better swords, in case someone shows up looking a little.. underprepared for anything that might happen. He'll be doing his thing, in case there's trouble.

Gailin cant not answer the call he goes along with the warband leather clad and Claymore with him. Hes ready for any threat that can be thrown their way. Strong of arm and heart hell follow Thesarins lead ready to meet any threat with force.

Irisa is accompanying Thesarin's patrol. She is not afraid to be out front and will be using her experience in such matters in order to try and pick out any dangers before it may be upon them. She'll be wearing pretty much the armor she's been given and using a similarly issued sword. She will place a priority on the safety of Thesarin, as well.

The Gray Forest was scouted, and part of a family saved. The cave is empty now, but... where are the villagers?

Action by Arianna(RIP)

(Public Action, OOC Date: Nov. 21, 2017, 2:35 a.m.)

Arianna wants to see the worship of Tehom spread more commonly throughout the Crownlands and beyond. Though every movement has to gain momentum somewhere and thus Stonehearth, the seat of House Stonewood is the birth of her efforts. With the construction of the temple Arianna begins holding ceremonies, guided meditations and rituals dedicated to the Thirteenth for the people. She doesn't expect many to show up at first and has prepared for that by creating theological curriculum disguised as spiritual techniques to protect the soul from the Abyssal corruption spreading through the Gray Forest. This is an observed phenomena that people can get behind and understand as a threat and also props the House of the Thirteenth up as a much desired destination to gain education, guidance and self discipline. It's a slow movement but indoctrination always is and at the end of the day, the young Lady of Stonehearth is ever the charming, articulate and cunning woman whom has been able to inspire fidelity from the people. It's what she does as the Minister and now as a Disciple of the Thirteenth.

Joslyn is new to Stonehearth, and so with these services Arianna is running, Joslyn finds it to be a perfect opportunity to make her first public appearances in Stonehearth as the new Lady Joslyn Stonewood. She offers to lead her own services, but she also seeks to help the less fortunate. Joslyn will be using the temple as a staging ground for charity works to try to give people jobs and to feed the hungry, to make it a place of healing and charity as much as it is a place of worship and reflection. She'll be paying for these efforts from her own coffers, and perhaps let it be known that she has introduced herself to Stonehearth by the way of charity, working along with the masses to help those in need.

It's slow going, but it's going. There's still an institutionalized discomfort through the Compact (outside the Lyceum) with worship of the 13th, and it takes time to overcome that. The Temple has won quite a bit of praise in the Lyceum, and many of the vassals in Stonehearth are beginning to come around when something they found creepy at first isn't turning out to be the worst thing, but it's still more of a trickle of individuals being won over than a flood.

Action by Reese

(Public Action, OOC Date: Oct. 25, 2017, 6:52 p.m.)

Reese would like to organize scouting parties to hopefully subtly track the actions of the slaver and/or his minions in the Gray Forest. Her intention is not to be noticed by the slaver (although she is not sure if such is possible). She would like to look for the following. 1. The location of any hostile Shav forces, including how close they are to Compact or Grayson lands. 2. Into any stories, reports or evidence of attacks by the slaver or his minions against those living in the forest and/or on the outlaying Graysin lands. 3. The presence of any abyss tainted animals or plants. She is especially interested in looking into the presence of wasps, wolf packs, tainted bears and etc. 4. The state and condition of the land. 5. Any signs of the slaver.

She would like to encourage the parties she sends out to remain as subtle and discrete as possible. They will have orders to retreat from any overwhelming odds and to quietly clean up threats only if they think can win. This is primarily and info gathering venture. Reese is overseeing the missions, taking reports from scouts, but not heading out herself. She feels that sometimes a good leader doesn't do all the things herself. Sh also feels like she is not stealthy and subtle enough for this. She will include pcs who seem suited to the task and some Grayson npc tasks. I hope to run prps for those joining the scouting missions.

Aiden would help with the scouting and the archers

Samael has offered up the Bisland army on a volunteer basis as per General Reese's insistence on this mission being strictly volunteer only. The Bisland army will support the Grayson army and/or act as reserve units. Samael makes a passionate speech to the army attempting to encourage volunteers without coercion.

Approved to run - sent @mail to Reese with some additional suggestions.

Action by Michael for Silence

(Public Action)

In assisting Gabriel for the siege, Michael has been evacuating individuals residing on the outermost parts of the city into the centre. Consequently, he's been working to set up a very temporary shelter in the city's centre. This shelter, specifically, is for now-displaced citizens of Arvum who are children, sick, or elderly. As per his assist of Gabe, he first drew on his leadership ability and charm to coax people to leave their homes. Whenever that failed, he paid Mailys (the Whisper) 3000 silver pieces to help smooth over any conflict and convince people to leave their homes with the bare minimum--therefore ensuring that said evacuation would house people rather than possessions.

Following this, however, he recognized the need to find a place for people to stay, and, therefore, used his leadership ability to try to set up a makeshift shelter in the city centre. First, he investigates and perceives potential locations to put people as far away from he city's walls as possible, and then aims to raise funds in order to have a minimum roof over the group's heads.
Having been assigned to the wall, Michael patrols the walls of the city during the days leading up to the siege. In doing so, he draws on his perception and knowledge of war in order to see any potential weaknesses in the defence, and recruits a crafter to help patch said trouble spots.

During the siege, he works with the Valorous Few (as per Silas's orders) to maintain the line at the wall, and draws on his leadership ability to command those in his purview.
While protecting the wall, and drawing on his command and leadership ability, Michael spends particular time and attention guarding the gate--aiming to keep it from being breached, and he focuses his position as a commander to that end. His leadership and knowledge of warfare are utilized in order to guard the gate. He spends half of his military resources to this end.

Emeline is going to use her streetwise to find the criminal/problematic and focus her charm upon them as well as her seduction to gather secrets from them. She will also be applying healing stavs and oils that she makes with her alchemy to help heal the troops.

Mailys's part in Michael's plan is less grand than his. Being the type of girl she is she uses her charm and seduction to help get the less willing, from the Lower Borough, to agree to take shelter. However, she also does this in a way to assure Michael get's the lion's share of credit. If seductive charm does not work she will alter her actions to suit what is needed. She'll play her part as the Whisper assist to the best of her ability.

Ailys Shall assist, offering her healing skills to those that

Joslyn will be closely attending to Calandra during the entire seige, acting as a covert bodyguard (armor disguised as a dress, and armed with hairpins) her primary concern will be the safety of Calandra as she sets off on her mission. She will monitor the area for danger, and before the danger can grow too great (she doesn't intend on waiting for shavs to be within her vision) she will guide Calandra to the training center, where the refugees will have been given shelter, and lend her assistance to them, still acting primarily as Calandra's bodyguard.

Mae is working with Michael, as well as working with the Families of the Lowers, to make sure the evacuation plans come along nicely. First off, finding a place to set up. Michael wants people moved to the Ward of the Compact, and so building a tent camp seems to be the best bet. Tents are not nicer than houses, but considering the talk that of visions of Brand busting through the gates, they're nicer than dying! Mae is going to help coordinate this, largely by convincing the people of the lowers that it's a good idea! (Donating 50 social resources)

After there is some decent place for people to go, Mae will work to start moving those out that are ready to go. The evacuation is /voluntary/, but the sick, elderly, and especially, the children will be pushed to go. All the while, the Culler family (and the other families, too) will be helping keep order. Michael said if the Families can make sure this is done orderly, he'll not have the Iron Guard interfere, and so Mae and the Cullers are calling in their men and women to help police the people and keep the peace. (Donating 100 military resources)

Calandra is going to help evacuate the lower boroughs to Michael's chosen camp (reported to be in the training center). She will primarily be helping by encouraging people in the lower boroughs to evacuate rather than stay. She plans to once she has encouraged a good deal of people to evacuate to move into the camp city herself. This is to help boost morale and help spread the words that the Cullers are with the people of the boroughs. She wants to pitch a tent, share it with Joslyn and stay there. Calandra plans to keep close with Joslyn in this all. Calandra would like to use her charm+performance pool to put on a show of being the Nightengale of the boroughs there with the lower borough people in their camp, in an attempt to keep people hopeful, orderly and so forth. She plans to present herself as Culler moreso than as a Whisper. Calandra will leaves her expensive jewels and silks at Whisper house. She will join the camp in wools, less expensive jewels and will have her steel hair pins visible worn. She will attempt to have her rubicund hairpins hidden on her person. Calandra is no hero, if her life in danger she will try to flee or hide. She will attempt to keep close to Joslyn in the event of danger and will not be interested in leaving her behind in a dangerous situation.

Unless otherwise called to action, Juliet spends time working logistics for the siege and assisting in the efforts to see the Lower Burroughs evacuated - she already has built up some good will from the citizens there working charity and education projects previous, and tries to leverage this into convincing people to come to the centre of the city. Given the living conditions, Juliet will also speak to nobles and merchants to organise donations (and discounts) for goods to help build better shelters, and ensure that the Lower Burrough refugees are fed, clothed, and otherwise looked after. I'm willing to donate econ and social for this, and also willing to spend some silver, if need be.

The city hasn't come under threat yet, so this action will be a bit delayed, but it will all be accounted for. We'll live GM the city coming under threat and then kick in all these evacuation plans and details on how to keep them orderly (but for the most part, it will be extremely successful). Most likely will live GM this on thursday.

Action by Reese for Fighting Legion

(Public Action)

Reese is commanding Grayson forces who are going into the Gray Forest. They are traveling to the border between the Grayson and Redrain part of the gray forest. The Redrains are aware of such and Princess Freja asked her do this. She intends to keep her people as much as possible on the Grayson side, but if there an urgent need to defend against the abyss she won't be too shy about crossing over (but won't linger and will let the Redrains know promptly that she went over the border and why). Her intention is to create a barrier, making it hard for the horned god or his minions to travel into the Grayson part of the forest. She believes (having heard a vision) that the horned god plans to march through the redrain forest to the grayson forest and to compact from there. There are few things that Reese is attempting with this. 1. The protective barrier explained above. 2. To try and recruit any Shavs she finds to compact's side and keep them away from the horned god's side. 3. To be a loud distraction, keeping the horned god and his minions (hopefully) focused on her instead of those looking for the weapons. 4. To take down anything abysmal in the area and thereby reduce the power of the abyss. 5. To take down any agents of the horned god in that area and to thereby reduce his power. 6. to Search for clues of where the weapons are, primarily by asking and investigating amount the Shavs in the area. If clues are found for the location on Redrain lands she will give these clues to them and let them decide how to act. If clues are found or weapons on Grayson lands, she will dispatch out a team to look for them.

Reese is taking 200 archers, 200 infantry men and 200 pikemen. The men are primarily under her command, but she is open to people such as Rymarr, Silas and Killian helping her command they are around. She plans to be loud over the top and recruit as much as she can. She hopes to bring diplomats, warriors, healers, scholars and so forth. Reese intends to protect those who come with her as much as possible, especially healers, scholars and diplomates She will not kills Shavs who are not hostile to them or working with the abyss, but will go out of her way to be human, protective and to follow the laws of Gloria and honorable combat.
A few more points. 1. If the Horned God himself shows, Reese will order a tactical retreat, saving as many as she can, rather than engagement.

2. Rymarr is her second in command, he is fully in command if something happens to render her unable to lead.

3. Command assignments go like this: Rymmarr: Second in Command of the mission, command of Deepwood Troops. Command of Any Kings Own Troops (that may or may not come). Killian: Command of any Ashwood troops that come. Second Command for the Grayson Army. Arianna: Stonedeep Troops Commander. Reese: Mission overall Command. Grayson Army Command. Co-command of the Knights of the Solace. Thena: Commander of the Knights of the Solace. Tobias: Commander of the Crimson Blades. Preston (if he comes and he might not): Command of the Templars. Corban: Back up commander if another commander falls or is not present.

3. Fergus asked if some wanted to do missions in the north. Reese will let her people do that or possibly send out on missions on the Grayson side if a need arrises. She will let pretty much any pc who wants go, but she is specially interested in sending some of the more champion like fighters without armies to command on these such as: Vesper, Dameon, Alexis, Kaldur, Graham, Faelan, Luca and Barric.

4. Noncombant attendees or possible attendees include Mia (diplomat), Margot (Diplomat), Rey (Healer) and Aurelian (Investigator). Reese will try to protect them. Esoka is also assigned to protecting the diplomats. Monique and Esoka, despite being fighters are assigned with the diplomats due to the backgrounds and langs.

Above is the goggle doc. Thanks Staff!

Reese has a few secret actions to take here.

1. The first one is protecting Thena. Reese believes that Thena is important to the Horned God and that if she dies to his agents his power might be increased. She realizes that Thena is a great warrior, but she still feels it is her responsibility to make sure she is safe. Thena is partly coming as a lure to keep the Horned God's attention away from those seeking the weapons. Reese is concerned about such, but Thena really wanted to do this and she respects that. She just intends to bring her out of this alive, even if it means taking blows for her or doing down herself in battle.

2. If the Horned God makes a personal appearance, she plans to retreat. She is open about this plan. What she is less open about is that she will try to save as many lives as possible among those who attended this mission and will try to guard their retreat even if that means she doesn't make it out herself.

3. The third one is that Reese believes that Thena is a new commander without the leadership skills at this time to be sure the Knights of the Solace will be succesfully commanded. She believes she will develop such in time. She believes this because Thena asked her to command the Knights. Reese intends to help command the knights, to watch out for them and at the same time to try and not upstage Thena with them. She wants to step in as needed without taking the spotlight, if she can manage that.

Barric, armed with Elvesbane and a backup sword just in case honor demands he not use the heirloom in a given situation, will be primarily serving as bodyguard to Reese and any other Grayson of rank that shows up for this affair, up until the point where he sees anything abyssal, at which point he will endeavor to stab evil in the face. Repeatedly.
If Reese needs him to go on a mission (a la 3), he will gladly go.

Margot attends with Reese to work predominently on #2 to try ad recruit and shavs she finds on the compact side and keep them from joining the Horned god, which is something she's getting rather practiced at at this point. She ensures her own escorts (the peace keepers), come with food and supplies to give out to Shavs who have come through the winter but it hasn't warmed enough to replenish their stocks yet.

Lord Corban has pledged his sword and skills to Princess Reese's mission. He will guard what needs guarding, slash what needs slashing, and otherwise do his usual job of Guy with a Sword in these missions.

Tobias and the Crimson Blades have been hired via Reese Grayson to join up with the Princess' wall in the forest. Iron Company (100 heavy infantry) have been contracted, and Tobias himself will be commanding the mission on the Blades' behalf. If this becomes obvious that holding the line is suicide, Tobias will work with other military commanders for an orderly retreat. Otherwise, the elite of mercenaries will hold the line, just like the Night Grove, if need be.
Tobias will be primarily wielding Requiem for this... but if the army comes up against undead, he'll switch to his rubicund blade to see if that helps to cut them down quicker.

Killian will be joining the armies of Grayson as one of Reese's lieutenants, and taking command of whatever troops she designates him to command on the expedition. Of course, he'll also be personally entering whatever battles are joined. He'll bring along whatever troops Ashford sends (new Harlan, so not sure of what this will be) as well.

Kaldur will be going on the mission, as a mounted knight if needed, or on foot as the case may be.

Monique is fighting as needed, but mostly helping to recruit the Abandoned with her extensive Abandoned background and languages.

Thena will personally lead a contingent of Knights of Solace out with Reese's forces, to help the Princess accomplish her listed goals.
As Thena is not particularly experienced in leading troops, the Solace divison will be co-commanded by Thena and Reese, with the help of a trusted (NPC) Solace marshal.
Solace unit consists of 30 knights, 70 footsoldiers, 1 marshal.
As a Godsworn priest of the Pantheon, Thena will offer any religious support as needed such as prayers, blessings and holy water. A few, though not all, of the Solace Knights are Godsworn as well. She will also offer aid as a battlefield medic and herbalist.
Thena will be bringing with her Dame Vesper, newly Godsworn Knight of Solace.

Aurelian signs on to assist in investigating the weapons as best he can, and hesitantly to act as an additional diplomat if needed.

Daemon rides alongside Thena and Princess Reese as a brother in arms to the Knights of Solace bands. He will assist in combat and wherever he will be needed otherwise.

Silas will be lending his sword and the armies of Whitehawk to the cause, bringing with him his archers/rangers while leaving his infantry behind in Hawkhold to defend it in case of a surprise attack (unlikely but who knows). He will command his rangers to scout the area they decide to camp at, in hope of countering any surprise ambushes or enemy movements and to see if they come across anything... strange.

Mia will be assisting with this as well, once I can see the full action and know what to add!
Mia will be bringing 50 of her archers and 100 of her infantrymen on this mission, with them under command of the following PCs in this particular order: Thesarin -> Esoka -> Rymarr -> Silas. Additionally, she will be acting as one of the diplomats attempt to convert as many shav'arvani as possible, making use of both her familiarity with the language, their customs, and her own reputation as the head of a House composed of a significant number of prodigals. Being as Esoka may be called to another mission concurrent with this one, she will be in need of some type of bodyguard, as she's not particularly combat ready.
Added in 30 AP.

The Grayson Princess General has asked Lady Arianna, and by extension, House Stonewood for aid in fighting Legion. Never one to deny her duty to Grayson, Ari has graciously agreed to lend her blade, expertise and knowledge of the dark forces that Legion will no doubt be utilizing. While that might be enough, Arianna has gone above and beyond by bringing along a detachment of Wardens with her to help support any military action that may occur. The men and women under her leadership have excellent Commanders drawn from the recent population of Prodigals and other Abandoned tribes which have filtered into Stonehearth. Above all, Arianna makes sure that she stays close by Reese with ten of her best men willing to die for their charge. This Royal Guard falls under the direct command of Princess Ribbons and is sure to follow her word even when their Liege, Lady Stonewood, is dispatched on any secondary or tertiary assignments such as recon or elimination of enemy commanders.
Arianna is a talented Investigator and has the ability to find leads and hunt them down with a relentlessness that borders obsession. When she is not commanding the Wardens (of which she brings five hundred), she is at work speaking with the local Shav populace and gathering information that might lead to a breakthrough in the hunt for the weapons they seek.

Lady Lailah of House Bisland has sent along 750 infantry and 250 archers under the command of Lady Arianna to help supplement the Gray Wardens. The additional men will be organized into units along with the Wardens, creating a combined fighting force to operate under the direction of Princess Reese. Lady Arianna leads these men by example, and follows Princess Ribbons military directive as she is the more experienced General.

Saedrus will be assisting Reese through diplomatic measures in trying to secure Shav'arvani are loyal to the Compact rather than the Horned God. As a Whisper brings with him his effortless charm, his carefully honed diplomacy and, beyond all else, the kind of empathy that cannot be taught or learnt to get through to the Abandoned tribes. He'll also keep himself well out of the way of all the martial types and generally keep himself away from frays, or anything other than being charming.

Halsim will be providing scouting services for the army (wearing his black robe and mask to keep his identity hidden to the Abandoned), and when necessary, provide his expertise on occult and investigative matters for the weapons search. When not doing any of this, he will provide his alchemical expertise towards equipping the army with medicines, poisons, and useful alchemical cocktails.

Alexis will do what she can, which is primarily serve as a meatshield to stand between enemies and more important targets. She brings her weapon and her armour, and will escort and patrol, and fight, as needed.

100 Infantry, 50 Pike, 25 Cavalry, and 50 Deepwood Rangers. Marquis Rymarr Deepwood's contingent to travel northward into the Gray Forest in preparation to play distraction. Those remaining in Deepwood are given explicit orders from the commander of Old Oak's military leader to be vigilant. A heightened state of security ordered, increased patrol regularity, reserves called into service for the duration, etc. Before setting off, Rymarr will gather his troops; first to speak with them and explain to the whole their objective, their purpose, and hopefully inspire them to fight hard and return home safely. Watch over those in front of and beside themselves, and trust those behind them to watch over them. He will also join his men and women in prayer to the Pantheon's deities. In regard to more Shamanistic means of religious observation, Rymarr will make himself present in support of those under his command, though he will not take direct part in their activities.

The Deepwood forces, under Rymarr's command, will be working in conjunction with a number of military pieces into one overall unit. Acting as Princess Reese Grayson's second-in-command, he's prepared to follow orders or lead, as is necessary dependent on the situation. Additionally, Rymarr is an experienced (and learned) battlefield commander - the first order of business will be locating important terrain features and choosing a strategically strong defensive point to make their presence known and draw attention. Ideally this position will benefit Deepwood's forces, while still permitting them ease of withdrawal, resupply, and all the rest - while preferably robbing any potential aggressors of those same traits and altogether impeding their ability to fight effectively. The former Lord Commander of the King's Own is prepared to play advisor - admittedly quietly to the overall commander of the mission, Reese. He's not afraid to speak up and offer an alternative plan, if he deems it strategically wiser.

Resources which Rymarr will be making use of(13 Economic, 27 Social, and 27 Military) are used to represent the fact that Rymarr will be hiring mercenaries to assist in bolstering both numbers and presence. Their orders are to... follow orders, but when a retreat is called, to retreat.

Having suggested a strategic withdrawal to Princess Reese should the 'Metallic Traitor', 'Horned God', or whatever name will be used for the day, makes an appearance on the battlefield? Should that time come and the Horned God makes his presence known on the battlefield, then Rymarr will work with the other commanders to promote an expeditious but strategically sound withdrawal. A fighting retreat, if necessary.

An additional 100 Deepwood Infantry, 50 Pikes, and 50 Deepwood Rangers will be on hand in the event such a fighting retreat is necessary, in which they will cover those withdrawing and begin a systematic retreat using the two separate forces to withdraw under the cover of arrows and fresh troops to cover the retreating force.
Additionally the King's Own will be there in the form of Dame Felicia and Dame Paloma, each with four Silver Swords/King's Own under their command. So they'll be doing their thing under Rymarr's guidance and ever watchful eye. They're amongst the greatest knights in Arvum, so there's not much that he'll need to command them on. But, he'll keep an eye out to ensure that the don't get in too deep over their heads and to correct any strategic matters he may notice. Despite being their very own past Lord Commander, he'll lead those few knights as though they were any other troops under his command. Given the history, no doubt they could work together to great effect. Their overall command will fall to Dame Felicia and Dame Paloma, per Lord Commander Leona Thrax, but Rymarr will be present to offer any strategic and leadership course correction as necessary.

Felicia is going to gather up her squad and assign them to the direct protection of the various VIPs (Rymarr, Reese, etc.) within the main attackng force. This is ostensibly because the King's Own trains for the defenseo f the King and so is particularly suited for this role but also because the secondary role she intends to take on would be to accept 'special' missions. If specific targets need to be eliminated the King's Own can be tasked with these dangerous but vital missions, including eliminating enemy leadership, etc. She wants to make use of the King's Own high level of esprit de corps and training to make a single squad as valuable as possible without getting them killed unnecessarily.

Luca is doing as usual and joining the fight to add to his monster head collection and keep his beribboned badass of a wife safe. He's becoming a decent scout, but mostly he's just there for the stabbing of things.

Tikva will be posting herself amongst the archers and scouts serving beneath Reese's command. She is especially lending her services as wilderness survival expert and scout to the efforts to comb through the freezing north, hunting down the Abyssal and/or hunting down agents of the Enslaver /as one does/. She will also be along to provide plucky morale assist to those who care to listen to her, and in case Reese needs cousinly advice and/or a hug, because you never know.

High Inquisitor Alistair will be taking a cadre of Confessors and lower ranking Inquisitors into the Gray Forest alongside the Grayson expedition. The High Inquisitor has multiple reasons for joining the expedition and the war effort against the Horned God. 1. To capture living agents of the Horned God to obtain information on their master and other abyssal entities. 2. To better train the Inquisition to deal with abyssal forces, especially in martial conflicts. 3. Provide martial support to the Grayson effort.

With the support of the Faith, and the need to attract the attention of the enemy, Preston and the Templars are going to try and muster a sizable force of 400-600 Templars to march in support of Reese. If they can't manage that, they will at least try to send several lances of mounted knights. If they manage the full deployment, they will act as a second 'battle' of the column, alongside Grayson troops, allowing some mutual support and flexibility, including the ability to pin the enemy with one and smash. If they only manage the knights, they'll act as a mobile reserve and try to pin down any breaches of the shield line. But in all things they will act in support of Reese, a thanks for her and Grayson being a friend of the Faith.
There is a request associated laying out a bit more detail on our motivations - ticket 6028

Joslyn will be sticking close and directly taking and relaying orders given by Lady Arianna, all while armed with Alaricite hairpins and adorned in leather. While her skills are mostly in stabbing and making sure that things stay stabbed, she'll also ensure that all of Arianna's operation runs smoothly. She'll help Arianna with command if it ever comes down to it, but mostly she'll just be doing copious amounts of stabbing.

Paloma will be assisting Rymarr! And leading her four troops to glory and good tactical use.

Lethe is going along as a healer for the group.

Zenix, a native to the lands, will provide insider insights about the various Clans and Abandoned Tribes that occupy the area. Including their numbers, an estimate of how many warriors they have and what chances one might have at flagging them as friend or foe. Besides their guidance through the land, Zen will stay close to Lady Arianna's side protecting her with her entourage of Wardens and Mistress Joslyn.

Olivia is joining the group largely in a supportive role behind the lines, as a healer and apothecary. If it proves useful, she'll use her alchemical and herbal talents to help with treatments for anyone who needs it, and potentially, if any weird abyssal blight, corruption, sickness, or that kind of thing rears its head, to try and combat it via whatever potions or elixirs she might be able to come up with. Failing that, she's got decent medical training and can simply service as a medic, and will aid wounded soldiers.

A scouting force heads out from the Gray Forest base. There have been a lot of these of late - small groups, meant to find shav, to treat with them as possible, to stop any flocking to the Horned God's banner. Tonight, Arianna, Joslyn, Zenix, Olivia, Kaldur, Silas, and Faelan are headed into the Forest. When they return, it is with a single shav and tales of the hideous creatures that were going to eat the woman's dog (and possibly the scouting group too). They are bloody and battered but alive. And hopefully the very grateful woman who is now swearing dutifully to the Compact is willing to give them information on the movement of the Horned God's armies. And the dog? The dog lived.

Meanwhile in the Gray Forest, Marquis Rymarr Deepwood's army has been busy. Today as they returned to the base camp, they told a tale of cultists trying for a sacrifice to the Horned God, one of the First Children about to be sacrificed, and perhaps most importantly, a prisoner escorted back by Lord Killian Ashford and delivered into the hands of the Inquisition.

A party of diplomats and diplomat-likes, consisting of Margot, Alistair, Aurelian, Monique, Saedrus, and Tikva ride out into the deep woods, it'’s said, to speak with a nomadic group of shavs claiming to possess key strategic information. Whatever negotiations happen past the ragged flaps of ragged tents remain private, but the group emerges with a sheaf of parchment and none the worse for wear.

The stories coming out of the Gray Forest tell another tale as well, as a large group of refugees is escorted to Arx by contingents of the Grayson army. They spread word of the valiant heroes who lead their defense, protecting them against the horrors coming from the northlands. Princess Reese Grayson's army, along with the Iron Company lead by Lord Tobias Telmar, apparently encircled the refugees as they were soon to be overwhelmed by the enemies which had pursued them nearly to their destruction. They tell tale of Prince Luca Grayson's 'nearly insane bravery' in fighting three huge monsters at once, to draw their attention away from the injured Grayson troops. Of Prince Barric Grayson's prodigious strength and prowess, as he cut one of the monster's heads clean off. Of the efforts of Lady Lethe Tyde, who set up triage and sought to mend the injured in the thick of battle. They tell of the hundreds of enemy dead left upon the field, and of the heroic troops who fought such overwhelming odds, standing behind their leaders against the coming onslaught and turning it away with their might. Needless to say, the refugees are being redistributed to Grayson lands, having bent the knee to such heroic representatives of the house.