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Action Id: 197 Crisis: Participants: Fiachra(RIP)
Status: Resolved Public: True GM: None

Action by Fiachra(RIP)

As House Greenmarch was specifically referred to by the Dominus as infecting the Oathlands, Fiachra certainly has an interest in helping to sway public opinion regarding those of Shamanistic beliefs. To that end, he has done/is doing the following:

* He attended the Commoner's Festival. He thus showed that he was willing to shed his title among the people and spend time amongst them for the purpose of lifting the spirits of the commoners. Heathens - they're just like us!

* Edain proposed having Oathlands faithful accompany Redrain or Greenmarch pagans on patrols of the city and its outskirts, assisting in breaking up violence or crime where appropriate to demonstrate they have the same values regardless of religious differences. Fiachra volunteered to assist, pairing up most often with Alis.

* When Edain called for a Vigil outside the rectory, Fiachra was one of those who has chosen to stand with him. Again, this is a display that the values of justice are the same, regardless of faith, and proof of Greenmarch's loyalty and support of the only non-excommunicated high lord.


It's a mixed bag, though Fiachra's efforts do help de-escalate quite a bit of tension that's being directed at prodigals, and the outrage from prodigals in turn. It's not complete, as some members of the Faith resent prodigals attempting to win normalization for shamanism, and choose to be infuriated for anyone not just giving up their deep seated cultural beliefs and religious practices, but can't please everyone.