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Action Id: 2120 Crisis: Participants: Aleksei, Preston, Sina(RIP), Esoka and Jeffeth
Status: Resolved Submitted: May 4, 2018, 2:28 p.m. Public: True GM: Puffin

Action by Aleksei

Aleksei is leading a group of Godsworn and Disciples to the Fortress of Chains (From clue: "The Fortress of Chains"). The purpose of the trip is to find out more about the darkness haunting the location, retrieve any hidden knowledge that might be stored there, and hopefully cleanse the fortress. To that end, the team is going in armed and armored, but not just with regular weapons and the like. Each adventurer will also bring with them a lantern lit from the Eternal Flame of Lagoma and a flask or two of holy water. And Aleksei has instructed each member of the party to bring with them an item or two of personal value that they can use as a focus in case there is dark magic that intends on trying to steal their names. Something to remind them of themselves, that they can anchor their identity to.

In the case that they find the fortress simply too overrun by enemies to reasonably stand against with their number, they'll try to make a strategic retreat.

For Aleksei's part, he'll be in mixed leather and rubicund (and maybe a bit of borrowed steelsilk) and with, of course, Chainbreaker, his alaricite longsword. He'll be bringing with him the locket and signet ring he's already always wearing, his original copy of the Doctrine of Skald, and the ruined/destroyed manacles of a strange, unknown metal recovered from the ancient Temple of the First Choice the Society of Explorers found near the Telmarch. (See @cal 573, "SoE: Choose Wisely". I do not know what metal they are! But Pax surely does.)

Action by Jeffeth

Jeffeth is also going in rubicund armor with a diamondplate sword. He will be focusing on protecting Sina primarily. He's used to protecting healers, and even if she may not be one, well scholars are like a distant cousin to mercies. Right? It's close enough! Otherwise Jeffeth will be following orders using his combat skill and athleticism for the good of the group! Also he will be praying to Gild all the time. As far as the items that are rooting him, he is bringing his oldest and prized posession, the tabard he was awarded when he first became a Knight of Solace, diligently washed and kept in pristine condition. His ring depicting Gild. His sword, Absolution. And finally a stuffed animal. In the shape of a corgi. Strapped to his belt.

Action by Esoka

Esoka goes in armored and armed with her diamondplate blade River's Heart. Along with the holy provisions Aleksei has provided them. She'll also consult with the senior Templars before leaving about what experience their warriors might've had with demons or hostile shavs in that general area of Arvum, to get a better handle on what they'll be facing and what the corruption of the land around the fortress might be like to fight.

Action by Preston

Preston will be taking along his nice heavy rubicund armour, his nice big stabby diamondplate sword (and spare), and of course, holy water and his lantern of the TEmplars created for the War of the Pirate King (with the fire naturally relit from the eternal flame). Preston is a Templar, so its his duty to keep everyone nice and safe. Which is easy as Esoka is also a Templar, and Jeffeth is some kind of Knight of Solace type of Ent. Preston will ensure they have a sufficient retinue though to help move their gear, even if the retinue must be left camped off a distance from the Fortress itself. Along with this, Preston will make sure he has the ring he was awarded for the Templars at Stormwall, and his prayerbeads. And if all else fails, his pendant of the Faith. Enough to keep him rooted and sane. If they are forced to retreat, Preston will also try to get the group back to the retinue left in the woods, so they can if needed help fight off any pursuers and get the important Archlector back to Arx.

Action by Sina(RIP)

Sina, as her first real duty as a full Disciple of the Scholars of Vellichor, is along for this mission to help document the journey for Archscholar Bianca and Father Orazio, to be added to the Archives later. She will be documenting it in writing and probably in drawings and sketches as well. She will also do what she can to provide what Scholarly insights she might, and act as another set of eyes and ears as they investigate the Fortress of Chains. The personalized items she will be bringing with her are the hairpins that Princess Donella gave to her as a gift (which can also be used as a weapon in an emergency) and her beloved beaded seashell bag, within which she will keep a lock of hair from someone close to her, and a small rose made of violet satin.


Ten Thousand Shardhavens, they said. And perhaps it is an exaggeration, but staring at the entrance to the Fortress of Chains, it's difficult to believe it is anything but truth. And an oppressive truth at that, for the fortress is not manmade but Sylv'alfar by the legends, and it is a huge and ancient tree. Even from a distance there is sorrow that washes out in waves, and a heavy sort of oppression. The closer they get, the slower their steps are - not so much with trepidation as the heavy weight of - are those chains around their ankles? Surely not.

No, when they look down their ankles are free. And yet there is something in the tree itself, of the tree itself. The closer they get, the more they feel like they can't breathe. Like they are bound, chained all 'round and tight. Restricted.

There's a buzzing in their ears, a whisper repeated over and over and over again, barely heard - just the hum of bees, isn't it? No, no it is words now, a thousand thousand voices whispering. "One of us. One of us. One of us." And in their voice - many voices into one - is rage, and despair, and anger, and a weary sense of hopelessness that makes their feet drag and falter, yet somehow keeps them inexorably moving forward.

And then Aleksei and Sina are pulling them all away, away, away, and the voices turn to anger and they can feel the rage emanating from the giant, gnarled, ruined tree.

They have just enough time to turn and run.