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Action Id: 1807 Crisis: Participants: Sina(RIP)
Status: Resolved Submitted: Feb. 17, 2018, 5:19 a.m. Public: True GM: Apostate

Action by Sina(RIP)

Sina has been considering all of the information she has at her disposal about krakens, and her father's previous apparent loyalty to the Gyre, and the tattoo on her wrist. It all seems to have some weird connection, but she isn't sure what it is. She is particularly disturbed by that tattoo on her wrist, that only she can see, in the mirror, particularly since the Gyre has been looming as a greater and greater threat. She's heard the tale about the sailors who saw reflections of ships on the waters, and other stories about mirrors. What she's heard makes her somewhat wary to stare into the mirror too long. But, she also can't seem to help it. She's going to start looking at her reflection more, particularly for the kraken tattoo on her reflection's wrist. She wants to see if there's any sort of pattern to when it appears in an effort to figure out what it means.


The pattern of the tattoo is odd. Before the thirteenth day of the month, it varies in a shade of green. After the thirteenth day of the month, it's a shade of blue. And on the thirteenth day of the month, something rather odd happens.

When she looks at her reflection, the tattoo is a blood red. Her reflection seems to not mirror her movements ever so slightly at first, and then she sees herself in the mirror look right at her despite her circumspect posture, wink at her... and then the reflection walks off to the side, leaving Sina staring at an empty mirror. For the remainder of the day and night, she leaves no reflection at all.

That night, she sleeps fitfully, and has odd dreams. She herself talking to a man she can't quite make out, foggy and distorted in the dream, with features she can't recall. But she sees her hands as his hands presses a dagger into hers, and his hands gives hers a squeeze, and she sees the signet ring of House Tyde on his fingers.

When Sina wakes the next day, blood is on her hands, and not her own- she is uninjured. Her reflection shows in the mirror as normal, though the color of the tattoo has begun to change to blue from the deep red.

The blood washes from her hands normally, but there is no indication where it came from, and no one else saw anyone come or go from her room.