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Action by Athaur

(Public Action, OOC Date: Jan. 21, 2019, 11:19 p.m.)

The Lands of Riva have had an influx of refugees, people wishing to escape the terror and chaos that had errupted across the realm in the past week. The Rivenshari will answer their cries for assistance. Athaur makes it clear to his people that he wants them to accept and help these poor people who are just looking to live their lives. The people that arrive to their lands will be offered a choice. If they wish to bend the knee and swear fealty to the Rivenshari they will be welcome to stay and join our people. We will treat them as one of us. If they do not, we will shelter them and assist in finding a safe place for them to stay.

Eshra remembers when they were not much better of then these that come seeking refuge and help. She walks along the refugees, telling them how these last few years since the war and joining the Compact have treated the Rivenshari. She does not tell them that it will make all their troubles disappear. It is hard, trust is something both sides have to work towards. But there are benefits that were not realized until they did bend knee. She tells them how they are welcome here in Rivenshari or if they wish to get out of the Oathlands how Count Navegant has offer to take those that would like join his house. For those that wish to, she will help them make decisions that best fit them. For those that do not wish to bend knee, then if they have some place they know of which will be safe to them, then transportation will be provided.

Eshra is not going to be naive about this however. She is aware there could be those that have committed the crimes has started this hiding in the refugees. So while talking to them, helping them find their way, she will ask their stories, compare them with others, perhaps cross check what may not sound right.

Kanean will assist in helping let refugees in to Riva in an orderly manner. For them, to bend knee to us or not. Anyone disturbing the peace or found to be a criminal running away will suffer the consequences from me. I'll teach the good and capable ones to fight, a few moves with a sword and bow, and advice for fighting. Just to protect themselves from any immediate danger.

Felix will also assist in providing for those who are needing a new place to live. Those who have nothing, and swear to Rivenshari, or at least to the Compact, will receive at least the basics of what a smith might provide. Basic travel plates and cups, utensils for eating and the like. Basic tools for the use of survival - hand axes, hunting knives and basic bows will be a little more careful in giving, not wanting to arm potential hostiles, but will also be provided in limited quantities. Felix will also use what knowledge he has of the Faith to give them an introduction to each of the Pantheon, and explain the place of them, as a start to the learning process.

The generosity of House Rivenshari in aiding refugees is greatly appreciated, and many from recent troubles leave their old lands behind and make their way to Riva. Riva does see a large uptick in production from the new workers on their lands, and the prestige of those involved in the effort grow.