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Prince Jaromir Redrain

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."

Social Rank: 3
Concept: Grim Mercenary Knight
Fealty: Redrain
Family: Redrain
Gender: male
Marital Status: married
Age: 25
Birthday: 5/2
Religion: Shaman
Vocation: Knight
Height: tall
Hair Color: light brown
Eye Color: grey
Skintone: pale

Obituary: Died fighting the Silent Army during the siege of Arx.

Description: A bear of a man, young and robust with a light brown mixture of intricate braids and loose hair that billows around his shoulders.

Personality: Jaromir is a generally quiet and contemplative bear of a man that hides a deeply cynical and pragmatic personality and a relish for bloodshed. He prefers to think before acting, remaining a sea of calm in the eye of the storm, but once a decision is made is he all reckless abandon and unflinching bravado intent on seeing it through.

Jaromir has a tight concern for money and seeks to build his fortune and fame, though this can be often swept aside by his weakness for gambleing and fine horses in equal measure.

Background: Jaromir was born the youngest son of Torrus Redrain, a noble Prince of House Redrain and one of the highest lords of the north. It was easy to see from a young age that where many of his family took to battle with the wild abandon that is practically bred into his family, Jaromir was calm and collected, though filled with a cold fire in his soul rather than the raging flames of other men.

Jaromir was always a fine knight and a fair mind, but where he really excelled was the combination of the two, melding both. His childhood was spent in the councils and private chambers of the noblest of the north, absorbing their tactics and strategies.

At the age of 17 he took up the position as a tactical advisor to his late uncle, the Lord Sherrod, and performed his duties ablely and with aplumb. For unknown reasons he resigned from the position at the age of 21 and tried a short stint as a horsebreeder holding a fair selection of fine warhorses. This didint last and not much more than a year later he had sold the last of his stock and traveled south with his elder Vallen in tow, joining the Valourous Few - a Mercenary Company of questionable reputation but incontestable results.

Name Summary