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Episode: Siege Stories II

Posted by Story on 04/10/17
Atop the ramparts of the fortress city the Defenders of Arx keep watch over the lands to all directions, the siege requiring constant vigilance. Near the Ramparts of the Seawatch gate, a hundred or so Shavs of the horde make a crazed charge, two hulking bringers leading them into battle with the intent to scale the walls of the city. Grappling hooks and massive javelins the size of ballistae bolts used to scale the walls. They are met by the valiant defenders Prince Darren Redrain, Princess Deva Redrain, Lady Aislin Ashford, Prince Reese Grayson, Lady Caelis Malvici, Prince Barric Grayson, the Trident Zhayla and Costas Voducce. Swords and arrows are put to the test as the walls are defended, but as the barbarians and their abyssal tainted masters scale the wall, Prince Darren and Prince Barric almost meet their end. If not for the intervention of the undead knight known as the Revenant. Together the forces of the Compact and this otherworldly warrior defend the wall, the shavs and bringers killed to the last.